Page 20 of Catching Their Mate

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I nod leading him into the kitchen. The moment Iris sees him I can feel her resolve snap into place even though the fear remains. Caine takes the seat across from her and smiles.

“You look good, Iris. Being mated suits you,” he says.

She blushes beautifully and I feel some of her trepidation fade.

“Thank you,” Iris says softly. “I have some things I need to tell you before you introduce me to the rest of the pack. I don’t want to hide anything from my mates or the rest of you.”

“Sounds serious.”

She nods. Her gaze slips from Caine, to me, to my twin. “My father’s organization is bigger than you think.”

“What do you mean?” Caine asks leaning forward.

“He doesn’t just run around on a whim killing shifters,” Iris explains. “There are different cells all over the country, they have surveillance on several packs at a time. He has been recruiting since before I was born.”

“Shit,” I say, running my hands through my hair. “This isn’t good.”

“It gets worse,” she says softly.

“How?” all three of us ask in unison.

“For the past two years my father hasn’t just been killing shifters. Are you missing any people from the last raid? You can’t find them or their bodies?”

We turn toward Caine, waiting for his response. When he nods, my heart beats like a drum.

“Three,” Caine says and a tear tracks across Iris’s cheek.

“He took them,” she whispers brokenly. “He has been experimenting on shifters. Trying to find a weakness and building specialized weapons.”

“Fuck!” Caine roars.

I am instantly beside my quivering mate, glaring at my Alpha, although I know he didn’t mean to scare her. He breathes harshly as he paces the kitchen, slowly getting himself under control.

“Do you know where he keeps them?” Caine asks calmly.

Iris nods. “I only know of one holding station, but I think there are more.”

“Will you show us?”

“Yes. My father isn’t who I thought he was. I need to be there when his insanity finally comes to an end.”

“Thank you for sharing this information,” Caine says with a frown. “I’ll talk to Max and set up a plan. We will need to run a raid and free any shifters your father might be holding.”

Our mate nods and I feel the relief work its way through her system.

“But first, its time for the pack to meet their newest member,” my brother smiles, beaming with pride.

“Let’s do this.”

The End
