Page 137 of Twisted Obsession

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I nodded. “He seemed really nice, asked for my name. Said he would send his wife in to look at a few pieces. Offered to set me up with one of his three sons. I thought he was weird, but sweet.”

“He was feeling you out,” Morpheus mumbled. “Was he alone?” At my nod, he hummed and scratched his chin. “The fact that you were with Darius when he was attacked, and you were left untouched makes me think you were never a target. Uriah must have taken a liking to you.”

“Maybe he really did want to set you up with one of his sons,” Sasha added, lips pulling down in a grimace.

“Honestly, that’s a real possibility,” Morpheus replied with a little shrug of his wide shoulders.

“Where is Malcom now?” Alexander interrupted, passing the folder back to Morpheus.

The other man accepted it and handed it off to Sasha. “He’s currently in holding. We found him holed up in a motel just on the outskirts of the city. He was waiting for his money. Someone was supposed to meet him there.”

“Most likely to kill him,” Sasha added. “No witnesses.”

“Is there a chance he could be lying?” Alexander pressed.

The slow rock of Morpheus’s head indicated that was an impossibility. “Definitely not. We were very thorough in our questioning.”


“He named Volkov?” Marcella asked.

Morpheus shook his head again. “No, he gave us his phone and we found the forum, the messages, the files. He’d been wired the first half of the money and that was easily traced back to Oscar Corp, one of Volkov’s shell companies.”

Alexander exhaled heavily, head bobbing as if Morpheus was merely stating everything he’d already known. “Do you have a plan in motion?”

“Waiting on your orders,” Morpheus replied smoothly. “I have men ready to dispatch on your go ahead.”

There was a brief moment where Alexander exchanged silent glances with his wife, a second long conversation that seemed to solidify their decision.

“Do it.” Marcella slid her arm through her husband’s as if assuring everyone this was a mutual judgment. “Uriah Volkov can’t be allowed to live after this.”

Morpheus inclined his head to her before turning to his daughter. “Grab the contract.”

Sasha hesitated. Her dark eyes — so much like her father’s — shot from him to me, then Alexander and Marcella before returning to the bigger man next to her. “I want to do it.”

It was unclear who was more stunned by the declaration.

“This is a big job,” Morpheus reminded her. “It can’t be taken lightly.”

“Darius is my best friend’s brother … and … boyfriend?” she shot me an apologetic, yet uncertain grimace before continuing, “I am not taking this lightly. I want this to be my hit.” She pivoted to face the other two. “I can do this.”

“Of course, you can, sweetheart,” Marcella said immediately. “I believe it completely.”

Alexander nodded. “If Morpheus believe you are up for the task, then yes, we would very much like Sasha to handle this.”

Morpheus remained silent for a moment longer, studying his daughter. “Enzo will go with you as backup.”

I was sure I wasn’t the only one who could see the visible tremors rippling through her, but she kept a firm eye contact with her father and nodded. “Fine.”

Morpheus motioned to the shack. “Get the contract.”

Sasha spun on her heels and hurried out of sight.

“She can do this,” Marcella vouched as if Morpheus needed reassurance. “It’s the perfect case for her. She has incentive and a purpose.”

Morpheus hummed quietly as if agreeing and disagreeing at the same time, but he didn’t voice either out loud.

“Morpheus,” I heard my voice in the silence that followed, startling even me at the unexpected intrusion. Morpheus pinned those unfathomable eyes down on me. “All of them.”
