Page 25 of The Long Haul

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“Steady now,” Carson says from behind me as his arms circle my shoulders and press me back against him. How can someone so big move so fast and quietly? More importantly, how does he not hate me? “Because I love you.” I’m clearly all out of sorts as that was supposed to be an internal thought. Crap. I’ve become one of those women that accidentally say out loud what they were thinking. “I told you, angel. My love isn’t conditional. We pinky swore on it.”

“She lied to you, young man.” That’s Karen’s attempt to put Carson in his place, which she believes is beneath her.

“Which I theorize is your fault.” I wait, so sure more is forthcoming despite his claim of still loving me. When none is, I turn to look at him. Carson merely gives me a quick kiss and reassures me, “It’ll be okay.”

That, of course, is when Andrea comes in. “Well, hello,” she purrs, ignoring everyone else and heading straight for…

“No,” Damon warns her. “I don’t date outside my species.” I snicker, deciding then and there, aside from Carson, he’s my favorite Jenkins.

“Huh?” Andrea asks, still advancing on him despite him attempting to hide behind his mom for protection. As shields go, it’s effective.

“Since you’re my angel,” Carson says, probably not as quietly as he should, then she’s surely…

“I’m human and you’re the devil,” Damon clarifies.

“That’s not a deterrent for her,” I explain to him. “She once heard the devil was said to be beautiful.”

“Evil, too.”

“Which she believes means he needs a better PR person.”

“And a wardrobe change,” Andrea advises.

“Is she for real?”

“Parts of her,” I answer Catherine, making her snort giggle.

“Shame on you,” Diana announces, pointing at Karen and Andrea, including Ken when he enters. “Audrey deserved better from you. Now I suggest you leave. If I have to say it again, it will include my foot going up your ass.”

“Well I never…” Karen mutters.

“Should’ve been given the gift that is Audrey. She’s ours now and we’ll treat her like the treasure she is.” I’m so busy being shocked at Diana cursing, something Carson said she never does, that I almost miss her decreeing I’m theirs.

As the Trudeaus continue standing there, Diana takes a step forward, causing a Three Stooges like reaction as the trio of interlopers keep bumping into each other trying to get away from her and out of the kitchen as quickly as possible.

When the door slams shut, the sound of a lock being engaged soon following, I breathe a sigh of relief.

“I’m so sorry everybody. Give me a few minutes to get to my room and I’ll pack my things.”

“Good,” Carson says. “This way you won’t need to go back and forth between it and mine. We’ll get the rest of your stuff from your place before I have to report in.”

What is happening here? “I’m so confused.”

“Angel, I love you. My family,yourfamily, does, too. You’re a Jenkins now.”

“I have a question,” Violet interrupts. Oh my gosh! Were all of them a witness to my shame?

“Yes, dear.” That’s Diana, calling on her youngest daughter as if others have more questions. Seeing hands raised, I realize they do.

“Since Vincent called her a bitch and didn’t get in trouble, can I do so now without consequence?”

David smirks. “I think you just did, Vi.”


“Darcy?” David indicates it’s her turn.

“Is Carson making enough cinnamon French toast for all of us?”
