Page 23 of Jester

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Talon was smart to suggest taking a ride. I get my head on right after we explore the Sanctuary’s back roads before I lead us to Talon’s place. As the sun sets, lanterns light up the cottages on Black Pine Road.

My sister used to live out here before cancer ended her. I don’t like thinking about Richelle. She was a scared kid, a brainwashed teenager, and a bitter woman. I didn’t blame her for any of those things, and I helped her when I found out she was in a bad way. But I never wanted to share a room with her.

Now, Richelle’s gone. She didn’t die as quick as Betty Boop, but she wasn’t around long enough to really settle her affairs. Life can end quickly in a million ways.

Climbing off my motorcycle, I recall Talon before she went out with Emma years ago. She’d been mouthing off to the club’s Secretary that day. Flagg ignored her because he didn’t view her as a threat.

For all her big talk, Talon was just a kid. That’s why I hadn’t fucked her. Kids are stupid. I was a fucking moron when I was her age. I didn’t want to get my heart wrapped up in a girl who’d grow into a woman bound to reject me.

Standing between my motorcycle and the cottage, I ask, “This is your place, right?”

Talon stares at me from her silent bike. “Yes. Why are we here?”

“Why do you think?”

“I have no idea,” she lies.

Gesturing for her to come closer, I wait until she throws her leg over the bike and shuffles her ass in my direction. Talon’s curves tempt me, yet the shell-shocked expression she wears puts my dick in neutral.

A faint breeze brings her shampoo scent to my nostrils. She uses my shampoo brand. I remember the first time I noticed that fact. She’d been snooping around my townhome back as a seventeen-year-old. I hadn’t figured out she was hot for me yet. The scent of her shampoo had been my first clue.

I finally figured it out when she was listening to me bitch about Tank and Buzzsaw doing one thing or another. I looked at Talon and found her staring at me like a lovesick fool.

Even in the dusky light, I can see she isn’t currently staring at me with that same hopeful gaze.

“You know what I want.”


“Then let me spell it out for you,” I say, leaning down to erase the ten inches I’ve got on her. “I want to fuck.”

“Wine and dine,” she mumbles weakly.

Her fear fills the air, building a wall between us.

“If I can’t enjoy you on my dick, I’m still staying close. What makes you think I want to spend the night alone in my townhome?”

“I can’t.”

Cocking an eyebrow, I study Talon. “What did you think would happen when I got out?”

“I don’t know.”

“Bullshit. Did you think I would wine and dine you?”

“You have a list of things you want to do. Food to try. Shows to watch. I thought we’d do that.”

“Because you’re my pal?”

Talon stares at me, refusing to speak.

“Are you afraid of me? Do you see those fuckers when you look in my eyes?”

Talon doesn’t speak. Doesn’t even seem to blink. She’s frozen in her spot. Her silence is my answer.

Crossing my arms, I point out, “I’ve never hurt you, yet you’ll punish me for what those fuckers did.”

Talon swallows hard and licks her lips like her mouth’s gone dry. She looks around for help, but we’re alone out here.
