Page 16 of So I Banged Bigfoot

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He smiled against my cheek. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to know what the giant beast tasted like.

“Are you ready for more?” he asked. “It’s okay if you’re not yet. But I really hope you are, eventually.”

Part of me wanted to drift off to dreamland in his arms. But the other part of me was stretched and primed and my inner muscles spasmed at the mere suggestion of his cock.

“I’m ready.”

Sweet moon, was I?

A guttural noise vibrated in Lars’ throat, upping the intensity of the aftershocks of my first orgasm. He took my face in his big hands and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

“If I hurt you—”

“You won’t.” My heart was pounding. This didn’t even feel like reality.

“I might.” He grunted. His body was probably going as crazy as mine. He needed release. His cock was erect, hard, and huge. He sat beside me and pushed my hair away from my face. “I’ll have the most control if you’re on top of me. Otherwise, I might go too hard. Too fast.”

I nodded.

“I’ve never been with a human before,” he admitted softly.

“I know. I don’t want to disappoint you.” My heart pounded as hard as the muscles deep in my core. This beast was taking a huge chance on me, and I didn’t want to let him down.

He took my face in his giant paws. “You don’t have to be anything but yourself for me, Hannah.”

Emotion stung my eyes. This was crazy. Hours ago, I’d known Lars by name only. And never imagined him like this. Now in this mountain, with his massive body the only thing keeping me warm, he’d become my whole world, bringing me into a snow globe where nothing but me and him existed.

I’d do anything to keep from shattering that illusion.

A furry finger traced each of my cheekbones. “Your heartbeat led me to you today.”

His hand fell to my chest, just above my left breast. My heart stuttered in response, and he smiled, because he felt it. We were totally on the same wavelength. I almost said that to him, but I didn’t know how much the big guy was caught up with science. If he needed to, or if he was in sync with the universe on a level I would never be able to comprehend.

“That’s only happened one other time,” he continued.

He didn’t have to say with who. I knew.

“No pressure or anything.”

“I don’t want you to be like Tanyth.” Hearing her name spoken so gently by this giant made goosebumps blossom over my skin. “We had a beautiful life together. I’m not looking to repeat that. I would never expect you to be her. I’m interested in getting to know you with your colorful skin and your interesting hair. There’s a lot more to you than meets the eye.”

“I can say the same about you.” I brushed my knuckles over the leathery skin that poked through the fur on his chest. The purr that rumbled through him was higher pitched than usual, and that giant cock hardened against my thigh.

His fingers trailed down my body, cupping my sex. Some interesting noises came out of me too. “We can’t wait much longer. There’s only so long your body will be ready.”

Sensation rocketed through my body as he circled my clit with those fuzzy, firm fingers. The fur tickled my nerve endings, and I clutched his shoulders, feeling like I could fall off the side of this mountain into the abyss.

But Lars wouldn’t let that happen.

His other hand was on his cock. That giant paw had no problem taking command of the shaft, and I focused on him moving up and down the length of it to keep me on this planet. My body had to be playing tricks on me as part of the magic that made it possible for the two of us to be together like this—

Was this all a dream, and I was still stuck in the car under a giant snowdrift?

No. Lars was real. This was real. He moaned, giving his cock a rough pump as he positioned himself to enter me.

So many emotions flashed in my mind. Fear was the first one. Not that he’d hurt me, but that he wouldn’t be able to get inside. He’d already done so many amazing things, and I’d be so disappointed if we couldn’t come together like this.

He pushed against my opening. My heart fluttered as fast as a hummingbird’s wing. I felt just as delicate. His other paw was on the back of my neck, holding me steady, not letting me fall as he entered me.
