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Chapter 9

"This is what we're going to do." Lissa smiled at Ry and Tory—they'd brought the problem to her and in her usual way she'd devised a workable solution. Toff sat on the sofa with Ry and Tory; he was invited to the Inner Circle meeting with everyone else. Only a few members were missing, so Toff was getting to see new ones tonight. He hadn't met Gavin or Tony, although he'd heard of them from the Princes. Both Larentii were also present, and they made Toff marvel with their height and blue skin. Toff now knew they fed off sunlight—Morwin had explained that—and all of it amazed him.

Toff turned back to the Queen as she flipped on the vid screen. What he saw shocked him—there were starving children on a planet called Cloudsong. He liked the planet's name—it sounded beautiful to him. Only now, the ugliness of poverty and starvation were everywhere upon that world. "We're going to take away the poorest of the population," Lissa smiled happily. "They'll be relocated on Morningsun, the sister planet to Evensun. They are opposite each other and are hidden from view by the sun between them," Lissa went on, "although they have the same temperate climate for the most part. We received help from friends to put up housing and gathered food from many worlds that had a surplus. We were able to buy at bargain prices and several Alliance worlds helped with funds and supplies. Le-Ath Veronis helped out, too, in addition to securing the planet."

"But what does Cloudsong think about all this?" Tony asked.

"They don't know about it, and won't know about it until it's done. Don't worry; I've already talked to Ildevar Wyyld. He says that there is precedence—that the Alliance has assisted outside its boundaries if the population of a world is dying. There is no doubt that Cloudsong is dying. The Larentii have confirmed it."

"And how are we getting them from Cloudsong to Morningsun?" Rigo asked.

"Need you ask?" Toff drew in a breath—a woman appeared who looked very much like Narissa, down to the auburn hair and gold of her eyes.

"Young Toff, you are correct—Narissa is my homicidal great-grandmother," the woman smiled at him. She'd read his mind, Toff realized. Tiearan had done it a few times, but normally he didn't bother. This one had taken the thoughts straight from him without any trouble. "I am Kyler," Kyler came forward, leaned down and kissed Toff's cheek. "Welcome to the real Le-Ath Veronis."

"Um, thank you," Toff said, feeling bewildered. Kyler gave him a lovely smile before turning toward Lissa. "Aunt Lissa, Youon and the others are ready."

"That's how they're doing it," Tory breathed beside him. "The Black Ra'Ak."

"Who are they?" Toff asked, but the situation quickly became controlled chaos as people began to disappear all around him, Ry and Tory.

"Darn it," Tory muttered. "I wanted to see this."

* * *

"Here it is!" Ry waved a hand and the sound came up on the vid screen inside their bedroom. Toff was still attempting to get used to technology and marveled at the newsfeeds they received from across the Alliance. Someone was standing on the deserted streets of a city that had been reduced to poverty.

"It is official, coming from the offices of the ASD. Many destitute and starving citizens of Cloudsong have been relocated, although we do not know where that is at the moment," the man reported. Toff watched in complete fascination as other cities on Cloudsong were shown in insets—all of them deserted. "With a few exceptions, the only population that remains is that inside the capital city, and even many of those are now gone. We have received reports that the crown prince and his younger brother have also disappeared. If we had not received this information from the ASD, many would have termed this a religious event."

The reporter's image disappeared, replaced with one of people lining up to receive food and water in a meadow somewhere. Temporary hospital tents stood in long rows and children and the elderly were receiving medical attention. The images were limited and soon were exchanged for that of the reporter.

"They did that so people wouldn't figure out where they'd been taken. I'll bet that old geezer on Cloudsong is having a conniption." Tory grinned at Ry's use of their mother's word.

* * *

Brandelin didn't recognize any of the rescuers, with the exception of one. Her he knew. Grabbing Jenderlin by the arm, Brandelin hauled him along until they came to the woman with the strawberry-blonde hair. Brandelin dropped to his knees before her.

"I thank you for these lives," Brandelin wept at Lissa's feet.

"Get up from there," Lissa pulled him easily to his feet. "I've done what I could to save them. Now, you do what you can to keep them alive. You'll still lose a few—some of them are too far gone. This world is yours, now, and I'll be watching to see what you do with it. Don't make the mistakes your father made."

Jenderlin stared at the Queen of Le-Ath Veronis—the last person who should have come to their aid. "There's something you should know," he blurted. Lissa stared at him in surprise.

* * *

"I say we raid the kitchen in celebration," Tory headed for the bedroom door.

"Come on," Ry pulled Toff along with him. They'd almost reached the wide portal into the kitchen when the palace shook beneath their feet, throwing all three of them to the floor. Pots and pans fell from hooks in the kitchen and Toff heard shouts and screams all around as heavier things began to fall—the ground was shaking harder. Toff curled up in a ball and wrapped his arms around his head, just as Ry and Tory did the same.

* * *

Kifirin strode through the palace in Full Thifilathi—nearly twenty feet of dark, angry god. Someone had attacked Lissa's planet and he was furious. A few of the inhabitants of the palace had been injured in the quake, but Kifirin was searching for the cause. His senses sent him skipping to the dungeons, where he stared at the cell assigned to the Half-Fae called Gren. It was empty. Kifirin caused the palace to shake again with his deafening roar.

* * *

"Who's on the list?" Queen Lissa was shouting and weeping as she held a dying Cheedas in her arms. Ry and Tory were in tears as they hugged one another while staring down at the comesula cook. Toff was frightened; he was watching one of his newest friends die right in front of him.

"Oluwa is coming, my love," Gavin knelt next to the Queen.

"Child, we will do our best to save him," Roff's arms came around Toff and held him tightly.

"But what can you do?" Toff only then realized he was weeping—the tears in his eyes kept him from seeing Roff clearly as he looked up at him.
