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"What did they do with Haldis and Sark?" Toff asked, shivering slightly. He'd only known that both boys, along with their parents, hadn't returned to the Fae village.

"Sent to Evensun," Tory answered. "Their parents signed waivers so they could go, too."

"Evensun? The penal colony planet?" Trik had heard of it, although Toff hadn't.

"Yeah. Mom was dead set against sending them there—she said they were too young for that sort of punishment. She wanted to send them to Harifa Edus, but the Council voted for Evensun." Ry answered Trik's question.

"Harifa Edus?" It was Toff's turn to ask.

"It means Hunter's Eyes," Tory whispered. "It's the werewolf planet."

They were forced to curtail the conversation; Council members began to file inside and none of them wanted to be sent away.

Nissa and Shadow Grey folded in shortly after the Council began to arrive. Nissa sat next to Toff while Shadow took the seat behind her. Roff came in last, choosing to fly up to the balcony instead of taking the lift. He sat behind Toff and reached up to pat the young comesula's shoulder. Toff turned and smiled nervously at the Winged Vampire. Roff smiled encouragingly at Toff.

Toff and his companions recognized Aurelius and Aryn as they came forward first and opened the meeting. "All rise for the Queen," Aryn spoke clearly and solemnly and everyone in the Chamber except Trik rose from their seats. Shadow placed a hand on Trik's shoulder in a comforting gesture as Lissa walked into the chamber, taking a seat behind the ornate desk. Ry and Tory knew she'd normally stand behind the podium, but Karzac insisted that she sit. Therefore, the desk had been brought, allowing her to rest. Her children and the Inner Circle all knew it was to keep her from tiring during her pregnancy.

"Be seated," Aryn said, as soon as Lissa sat down. "Bring forth the prisoners," Aryn added after the Council took their seats.

Laral and Clover were led inside by Gavin and Tony. Both wore cuffs, Toff saw, and figured those were to subdue them if it became necessary. Toff didn't expect both boys' mothers to come, but Drake and Drew brought them in as well. Hyacinth, Clover's mother and Storm, Laral's mother—both Full Fae, appeared angry as they walked in with the Falchani. Seats were provided for them near the dais. Laral and Clover sat at the edge of the dais, closely guarded by Gavin and Tony.

Several members of the Council questioned Laral and Clover, after Aryn instructed both prisoners to speak the truth inside the Council Chamber. Toff was shocked by the revealed information. Both said that their parents had spoken of Toff in derogatory terms, and when Gren came along and whispered to them that Toff had to die, they thought it was only right. Roff placed his hand on Toff's shoulder and didn't remove it while Nissa clasped Toff's hand in hers and didn't let go.

"So, you, not fully understanding what or who Toff was, or why he was there in your village, took it upon yourselves to get rid of him, is that correct?" Flavio, senior member of the Council, was now questioning Clover.

"Yes, but Gren threatened us there at the end, saying he'd see that we were stripped of our power and banished if we didn't do what he said. We didn't want to stab Toff with the knives or perform the nut-cracking chant. Gren forced us." Clover was nearly in tears. He'd never thought that breaking the laws would have him standing before an old vampire with more than banishment and a stripping of his power at stake. Clover knew he'd attempted murder, and his life hung in the balance. He should have paid more attention to the whisperings regarding Haldis and Sark's punishments.

Laral's questioning went much the same. His story echoed that of Clover.

Toff was called after that. Roff flew him to the dais, and Toff sat in the chair vacated by Clover and Laral.

"Young one, you will only speak the truth inside the Council Chamber," Aryn's words held power of some sort—Toff could feel it. He nodded to the old vampire.

Toff did his best not to be frightened, but he was questioned long by several members of the Council. At one point, water was brought to him before the questions began again. Muted growling came when he described how he was bullied by the other children. He didn’t want to tell the names he'd been called, but was compelled to do so. He wanted to weep and couldn't—he could only sit there, answer questions and tremble.

Toff honey, it's all right. Somehow, the Queen's words came into his mind and he didn't know how that could be. He swallowed hard and went on. Finally, they were done with him and Roff appeared to return him to his seat. Nissa was brought down by her father. She squeezed Toff's hand before Shadow Grey folded her out of their box and down to the lower floor for questioning.

Roff now sat next to Toff and had a comforting arm around his shoulders while Toff watched Nissa answer questions. She talked about her treatment, not just by Gren, Laral and Clover, but by Mother Fern and the others. Toff was surprised at Nissa's indignation at her treatment on his behalf.

"So, you were chastised for coming late to dinner, after this Fern woman forced you to perform extra duties?" Flavio asked.

"Yes. I could tell that none of them liked Toff or appreciated what he did for them. Corent was kind, as was Father Willow when he asked me to help feed hay to his milk cows. None of the others were—I felt as if they thought I—he—was much less than they."

"Yet the female—Redbird—wanted him for her own when the kidnapping initially occurred," Flavio now addressed the Council.

"Flavio, the ones answerable to those charges are not present." The Queen was now standing. Toff thought she didn't look comfortable.

"My apologies, my Queen," Flavio said quietly. "I have no further questions." Flavio returned to his seat.

"We will now take a vote regarding guilt or innocence of the charges," Aurelius stood and made the announcement. "Place your vote on the comp-vids located beside your seats. The votes will be tallied during a brief recess. A disposition will be discussed after that. Please return in half an hour."

"Young ones, we must see to your Lady Mother," Roff lifted Toff in his arms quickly and swooped down to the floor below. Drake and Drew appeared to bring Ry, Tory and Trik down, while Shadow brought Nissa.

"That's Uncle Winkler," Tory said softly to Trik as they watched the tall, dark-haired man help Queen Lissa from her seat.

"This way," Drake and Drew cleared a path through the wide chamber door. The moment they turned a corner to go down a lengthy hall, someone folded all of them to Lissa's library.
