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"I think your mother will insist on it," Roff laughed.

* * *

"Trik, it's not a big deal," Ry attempted to calm his adopted brother. "Grampa Wylend did mine, but there are several other warlocks who do it, too. Sissy's right—you don't remember it and it isn't painful. Dad was right there with me and says it's no big deal."

"No big deal? I've never heard that phrase before," Trik blinked worried green eyes at Ry.

"Mom has a ton of unusual phrases. Just wait till you hear her say holy crap."

"I've never heard of that being sacred," Trik giggled nervously.

"Are you boys dressed?" Queen Lissa swept into the room. Trik stared—she was dressed in a royal blue, jeweled gown that likely cost a fortune.

"I have to wear the colors of the jewelry makers, since Shadow is a Master Wizard in that Division," Lissa held out the long skirt of her dress. "And I have to sit at the Master Wizard's table at the front. Because I like being in a fishbowl," she added with a snort.

"We're dressed, Mom. See?" Ry held out his arms. He and Trik were clothed in dark gray suits with white, high-collared shirts.

"Mom, I can't get this button done," Tory walked in, fumbling with the top button on his shirt. He was dressed identically to Trik and Ry.

"Here, I'll do it," Lissa reached up to button Tory's shirt. "There. All done," she patted his shoulder and smiled at him. "I'm sorry you have to sit in the back, but Shadow says your High Demon talent for neutralizing power has to be kept away from the rite."

"That's okay. Ry, Sissy, Toff and Roff will be with me," Tory grinned. "And nobody will have to crane their necks to see over my head."

"Will Uncle Shadow take us?"

"Uncle Shadow is definitely taking you," Shadow walked in wearing a huge grin and a long, royal blue dress robe over a white shirt and black slacks.

"You'd think it was Christmas, the way you're gloating," Lissa swatted his arm.

"What's Christmas?" Trik asked, his curiosity overcoming his nervousness.

"One of Mom's holidays. Every year, she gives everybody gifts for no apparent reason," Tory said. "We get the best stuff."

"When is Christmas?" Trik couldn't help but ask.

"In five months," Lissa said. "Karzac tells me the baby is due around that time. Don't worry," she held up a hand when Ry started to say something. "You'll get your presents, just like always. Kyler and Cleo are prepared to get everything done for me, if the baby comes around that time."

"The gift wrap is always red and green," Ry whispered to Trik. "And there's a tree. With lights. We don't know why." Lissa heard and laughed.

"We're ready," Roff and Toff walked in, Both dressed in dark suits.

"Toff, you look so handsome," Lissa hugged him.

"Kyler and I are coming," Flavio walked in with Kyler. "Cleo is already there with Harvel, waiting for us."

* * *

Lissa's Journal

I wanted to hug Flavio. He didn't go to Grey House often with Kyler, although as one of her mates, he was welcome. As Glendes' Daughter, Kyler was required to attend the family dinners, but she usually took Rik or Pheran Tiger. Flavio's reason was understandable—he didn't appreciate the stares whenever he accompanied Kyler to Grey House. Yes, he was the handsomest male there when he went, but the attention from some of the female wizards was uncomfortable for him. He was going this time to show support for me. Sometimes, we vampires had to stick together.

The Grey family was huge, probably at least eight hundred members, and the cavernous dining hall used for the monthly family dinners held all of them. Thankfully, not all of them would attend the rite—Glendes limited that to immediate family and those closest to the children going through the rite—more than that terrified the child. Yes, the children were normally six years old and if they were like Nissa, they were already scared witless when Glendes put his hands on them. They didn't need a huge audience there, gawking.

"Trik, are you good to go?" I stood on tiptoe to kiss his forehead—he was as tall as Ry and looked ready to bolt if somebody said boo to him.

"I'm ready," he said, squaring his shoulders. I still saw the worry in his green eyes, however.

"It doesn't take long," Shadow came forward and patted Trik's shoulder. "And it doesn't hurt. It's just the waking of your power. I was scared witless when Grampa did it for me all those years ago, and when I woke afterward, I remember thinking that it wasn't an ordeal at all."

"Queen Lissa?" Trik said, his eyes meeting mine.

"What, honey?" I asked. Something big was coming, I could tell by his expression.

"I never got to call Melida Mom. She wouldn't allow it," he muttered, dropping his eyes. "Morwin showed me copies of the adoption papers. It says you're my adoptive mother, and Shadow is my adoptive father."

"That's right," I nodded, not sure where this was going. "If you want to change that when you're older, we can talk about it. Right now, those papers say that Shadow and I will take care of you and treat you as our own." My heart hurt for him—I'd known all along that Melida was a nasty piece of work. I hoped she hadn't abused Trik after his birth. She certainly had when he was still in the womb.

"I like that part," he muttered. "Can I call you Mom and Dad?" His eyes darted from me to Shadow.

"Son, you can call us anything you want," Shadow pulled Trik into a hug. Right then, my opinion of my Grey House wizard went up quite a few notches. "It'll be all right," Shadow added. "Your mother and I will be right there with you." I realized I was crying as I watched Trik's arms go around Shadow's waist.

* * *

"You thought you could just sneak around without letting me know you were back?" Friesianna gave Narissa a hard stare. The former Elemaiyan Queen showed her age—gray streaked her brown hair, just as Narissa's auburn locks were threaded with silver. Friesianna no longer dressed in rich fabrics; nothing of the sort was available on Evensun. She gathered clothing from new arrivals, usually after their deaths at the hands of her servants.

"Shut up, bitch," Narissa snarled. "I know you don't have Le'meruh any longer, it was removed with the rest of your power. If these lapdogs of yours realized that, they'd leave you in half a blink."

Narissa struggled between two Elemaiyan guards—they'd led a hunting party when Narissa's appearance on Evensun was first reported. She hadn't been difficult to locate; Narissa hadn't bothered to hide her tracks. They'd dragged her to Friesianna's cave afterward. The cave was a wide, easily defensible space with plenty of room for Friesianna, her guards and her servants.
