Page 44 of Pushing Limits

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“I’ll give you something to think about next time he’s on top of ya, darlin’.” I slip into her hot, wet pussy and hear her sigh with relief.

“Every time, he’s inside you, you can think of us, and how good we had it. You can remember how you used to lose yourself.” I make my thrusts punishing but slow, watching her come apart for me for the last time. I know now that I have to let her go, even though I don’t want to.

“Cole.” She clings to me tightly as I fuck her, sinking my teeth into her shoulder and bruising her ass with my grip. She throws back her head and moans so loud the bunkhouse boys will hear her, but I don’t care anymore. I want them to know that she was mine, even if she does leave her with her preppy fiancé.

“God, Cole,” she growls desperately as she comes for me, soaking my cock and clutching me so tight I almost forget to breathe. She’s riding her high and I chase it with her, feeling her bones crush under my fingers as I thrust one last time and spill my load so deep inside her she’ll have me drippin’ out of her for days.

“I hope you and him are happy together, Red,” I whisper in her ear before kissin’ her mouth and dragging my cock from inside her. Then I drop her to her feet and turn my ass around before I change my mind.

“Cole,” she calls after me, but I keep on walkin’, wiping the single tear that falls from my eye and leaving her naked and drippin’ with my cum in the middle of the yard as I step into the bunkhouse.

“You sure you're up to this?” Leia asks Maisie as she zips up the dress she’s wearing. It’s long, lacy, and very elegant.

“Yes, I think Teresa’s right, getting out and socializing will do me some good, and having you guys on hand to help her makes me feel a whole lot better about it.” She smiles between us both. I fake her one back before spreading myself out on the bed and playing with little Jack’s feet. He always likes it when I blow raspberries on his soles.

“Have you spoken to Dan today?” Maisie turns her attention to me.

“No.” I shake my head and continue to focus on making Jack laugh, hoping she’ll give up.

“Well, don’t you think you should? He came all this way.” She tries her best to make me feel bad.

“Well, I never asked him to,” I remind her.

“Listen.” Maisie lifts up her little boy and passes him to Leia so she can sit down beside me. “I don’t want you to go. I love having you here and through these whole crazy past couple of months, you’ve kept me grounded. Both of you have.” She smiles up at Leia too. “But Dan is a good guy. If you don’t want what he’s offering, he needs to be let down gently.”

“Maisie.” Garrett steps into the room, looking sharp as hell in a tuxedo, and he rubs his lips together hungrily when his wife stands up and straightens out her dress.

“Damn, Mrs. Carson.” He takes her hand and tugs her toward him. “To hell with my reputation, you are getting fucked in a very luxurious bathroom tonight.” His whisper isn’t low enough for us not to hear him, and Maisie swats his chest before she lets him lead her out the room.

“You guys know where everything is, there's plenty of expressed milk, and don’t forget to put Jack in the middle when you put them down, he settles better that way.” She reels everything off as we follow her down the stairs.

“Maisie, we got this, just go and have a good time,” Leia tells her.

“You’re right, Mommy’s being a little crazy.” Maisie strokes the top of Jack’s head before kissing it and heading over to the couch where Teresa is with Jacob and Breanna. “You all be on your best behavior.” Maisie kisses them too, before picking up her purse and heading back toward Garrett.

“Come on, Mr. Mayor, let's go give ‘em a show.” She heads for the door and gasps when Garrett squeezes her ass on the way out.

“She seems better today, doesn’t she?” Leia points out once they have left.

“She went to the Doctors and had some blood tests done earlier, maybe she’s anemic, I really suffered after having Breanna,” Teresa tells us as she stands up and lifts up Jacob with her.

“I’m going to make a start on getting these little ones down. I’ll call for the next one when I’m ready.” She leaves us to take Jacob upstairs while I take a seat on the couch where baby Breanna is lying.

“I hope she’s right and that Maisie has fun tonight, I hate seeing her the way she’s been lately,” Leia says thoughtfully.

“Maisie’s gonna have a good time, don’t worry,” I assure her.

“And what about you? You can talk to me, you know.”

“Talk about what?”

“The whole ex-boyfriend coming to town thing, and the fact that you and Cole are crazy for each other.” She rocks Jack in her arms while she waits for me to confirm or deny. I’ve spent the past twenty-four hours trying not to think about Cole and the fact he fucked me out in the yard last night so coldly. I think I understand what he’s trying to do and I hate it.

“We’re not crazy about each other. Sure, there was a time when I thought maybe it could work out, but…” I shake my head, deciding there is no way I can go into detail. Leia would lose all respect for me.

“Do you wanna go back to L.A.?” She makes it sound so simple.

“Dan doesn’t want to go back to L.A. He wants us to travel, he knows I’ve always wanted to.” I rattle the toy next to Breanna at her to try and distract myself from what comes next.
