Page 48 of Pushing Limits

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“You’ve got this, Teresa,” I tell myself as I walk around the car and open the driver's seat door. Dalton has fallen forwardover the wheel, and when I get a little sound back, I realize that he’s been pressing on the horn this whole time.

“You are just determined to be a pain in my ass,” I huff as I gather all my strength and start dragging him out the car. “For a skinny little runt, you sure weigh a lot.” I struggle and pull until he slumps out onto the tarmac, and then I quickly clamber over him and get into the seat myself.

There’s blood splattered all over the inside of the windshield, and I use my sleeve to try and wipe it clear. It makes it worse so I have to use Breanna’s blanket from the footwell to do a better job. My vision’s far from perfect, but it’ll have to do. The barrier has lifted now and I didn’t think to look to see if it was a passenger or a cargo train that passed us. If it was a passenger there could have been witnesses. They could have called the police.

“It’s okay, sweetie, Mommy’s gonna fix this.” I look in the rear-view mirror and smile at my baby girl, then slamming the door shut I take off the handbrake and press my foot on the gas pedal.

“How close to the hospital are they?” I ask Savannah as I drive frantically toward the house.

“How the hell am I supposed to know that?” she shakes her head and stares at me like I’ve lost my mind. I can feel myself being close to losing it, but I can’t do that until I know my niece is okay. I need to know what caused all this. I don’t know if it was an accident or if someone fuckin’ got to her. But I swear if they did, I’ll send that fucker to hell with a plastic bag around his fuckin’ head.

“Take my phone and open up the GPS app, look for the one with Dalton’s face on, he’s bound to have his phone with him,” I explain with our heads bumping against the truck cab roof as I drive over the pasture's uneven ground at top speed.

“You track your brothers?” She makes it sound as if that's weird.

“We track each other, it’s something Zayne set up for us when all this Harvey shit started. If one of us ever went missing we have a way of knowing where he is,” I explain, willing her to hurry up.

Savannah quickly gets to work bringing up the app.

“They’re heading for the hospital on that road you always take toward town,” she informs me, holding out the phone for me to see for myself.

“How long can babies go without breathin’ for?” I ask, feeling my chest tighten like I’m the one suffocating.

“I don’t know, but maybe she’s breathing again by now. Your mom will be doing all she can.” Her hand strokes over mine to comfort me, but I can feel her shaking. I make it to the ranch in record time. Skidding to a halt outside and seeing Leia pacing on the porch.

“I’ve spoken to Maisie and Garrett, they’re heading straight to the hospital,” she assures me as I get out the truck.

“We’ll head there too. Are ya good staying here with the boys?” I grab her shoulders and make her focus. “Leia, can I leave you here with the boys?” I repeat.

“Yeah, of course.” She nods back at me, her skin pale and her eyes wild with worry and I can’t even tell her that it's gonna be okay because I have no idea what happened here.

“Just try not to panic, think of that baby you're carrying and those boys,” I remind her as I get back behind the wheel and speed out the yard toward the hospital.

“How long should it take them to get there?” Savannah asks, still holding the phone that's tracking Dalton in her hand as I speed along the road that leads to the hospital.

“I don’t know, like twenty minutes. Fifteen if Dalton puts his foot down.” “They’ve stopped.” Savannah looks up at me. “They’re at the railroad crossing, a fucking train must have stopped them.”

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I hit my hand repeatedly at the wheel and flick my eyes between where I’m going and the tiny flashing dot on the screen. One that remains stationary as I race along the dark open roads with my foot flat to the floor.

“It’s okay, they’re moving again.” Savannah sighs in relief when the dot starts moving. Knowing that due to the hold-up and my reckless driving, we aren’t far behind them, I focus all my attention on closing the gap.

“Is there another hospital other than the one Maisie had the babies at?” Savannah asks curiously.

“Not within a few hours.” I shake my head, wondering why that even matters.

“I could have sworn you have to take a right when you get to that junction up ahead.”

“Yeah, it’s a right for sure.”

“Well, Dalton just took a left,” she tells me, holding the screen closer to my face to prove it.

“That’s the opposite direction, why would he do that?” I try and make some sense of it. “Jesus, don’t tell me the road’s been closed.” I can feel my panic getting out of control, I can’t even imagine what my brother must be going through right now.

“Use your phone to call Maisie. Put it on speaker.” I keep driving while she fumbles through her pocket and pulls it out.

“Savannah, are you with her?” Maisie sounds in pieces when she answers.

“No, we’re tailing ‘em now, can you put me on speaker so Garrett can hear me,” I speak before Savannah can answer.

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