Page 11 of Love’s Redemption

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“Welcome home, Theo,” the DJ shouted across the room.

Theo tossed him a half-salute before spinning Daniel around and pulling him close. As they danced, other employees and customers called out greetings. Popular boy with the geeky old dude? Daniel bet they were all laughing at him and wondering WTF why Theo was with him.

Felt nice to be in somebody’s arms, though. He’d never had anything like this before. He relaxed in Theo’s hold when the angel started a slow slide of his palm up and down Daniel’s back. His forehead thunked rather ungracefully against Theo’s shoulder. It was as far as he could reach. Freaking tall Nordic giant could rest his chin on the top of Daniel’s head, and he did. Surprisingly, Daniel didn’t care. He snuggled in closer.

“You’re just starved for touch, aren’t you?” Theo murmured, his lips dragging across Daniel’s temple. He tucked Daniel’s hips in, their groins sliding, setting Daniel’s imagination aflame.

No, no, no.Daniel pushed back, giving himself some space and looking up into Theo’s sky-blue eyes. “I didn’t come here to dance.”

Theo’s tongue swiped across his bottom lip. “I didn’t think so, but I couldn’t resist. I’ll be working all night. We close at two. Meet me at the entrance?”

“Not a booty call, either.”

Theo grinned. “I know.”

“Do you?”

“I was sent to help.” Theo cupped Daniel’s cheek, his thumb caressing Daniel’s lips, which opened with no thought on his part.

Daniel stumbled backward a few steps, needing more space than the few inches they’d had. “Okay. Two o’clock. Got it.” He headed for the exit, determined not to look back.

Fucking A… even his determination was defective. Theo’s slow blink told him it’d be alright. Daniel could only hope he was right.


“You made your move,” Con grinned and winked at Theo as he reentered the bar area. “Nicely done. I’m surprised you didn’t leave with him, though.”

“He got called into work, but we’re meeting later.”

“What’s he do that he got called into work at ten o’clock?”

Theo grimaced. “He works for Mr. Troy.”

Con’s eyes widened, and he pushed Theo back a few steps, away from the customers. “Are you kidding me right now? That guy is bad news. Fuck, I’ve seen Daniel occasionally meet people here. Has he been dealing in the club?”

“I don’t know, but remember what I said. He wants out.” Theo pushed his hair off his face in nervous frustration. “Adonai wants me—us—to help.”


Theo shrugged. “Hopefully, I’ll figure it out as we go. I have the week of Chanukah to get this squared away, and hope he falls in love with me by then, too.”

“Tall order, but I have faith in you.”

“Thanks, I need all the faith I can get. I feel very… unprepared. I was on the periphery of Ari and Judah meeting their chosen halves.”

Con nodded. “It was kind of fun watching Leo fall head over heels for Nina, and I gotta tell you, watching you work your magic here…” His broad smile was a boost Theo hadn’t realized he needed. “You know I’ll help however I can.”

“Thank you, Con. I truly, from the bottom of my heart, appreciate your friendship.”

“You're welcome. So you heading back or…?”

“Nope. I’ll be here till close. Then,” —Theo grinned— “I’ve got a date.”


“You don’t look happy.”

Daniel shoved his phone back into his pocket, forcing his mouth into a smile he didn’t feel. He should be happy to see Theo, but the weight of Troy’s request felt like a thousand pounds on his shoulders. “No, it’s fine. I’m good.”
