Page 27 of Love’s Redemption

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“Ladies and gentlemen, Troy Enterprises welcomes you to tonight’s entertainment. There will be three bouts this evening. Amateurs and new fighters first, then those with a bit more experience, and finally, our reigning champion will take the ring. All bets for the first match are now closed.”

The MC looked toward Walt, got a nod, and continued with his spiel. “In his first ever MMA match, standing at six feet-four inches and weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds… The Viking!”

Walt slapped a hat with horns on Theo’s head and shoved him forward. The gamblers cheered and jeered equally. There were opposing calls of “Win it for me, Viking!” and “You’re going down,” and it took Theo a moment to realize their shouts depended on whether they bet on him to win or lose. He felt only a little sorry for those who’d bet against him.

Theo kept hold of Daniel’s hand as he strode purposefully toward the cage. Before he ascended the steps into the ring, he turned to Daniel, squeezing his hand. With his other hand, he sent what he hoped for was a reassuring caress down his mate’s arm. Mutterings sprang up around them from the front rows of spectators, but Theo ignored them, hyper-focused on Daniel.

“Leave if you need to. I’ll find you afterward.”

Daniel nodded as he let go, nudged out of the way by Walt, who shouted, “Get in there!”

Theo hustled inside the cage, bouncing around and throwing slow jabs to rewarm his muscles. Walt followed him inside, moving to the far corner. When he caught sight of where Daniel stood watching on the ground beneath Walt, he winked. The announcer snatched away his focus, calling for his contender.

“And now, welcome to the ring, in his tenth match with a record of eight wins and two loses, standing at five feet-ten inches and weighing one hundred and eighty pounds… Your hometown boy, Bruno!”

The loud cheers for Bruno echoed through the room, drowning out any who might have booed. Theo watched as the young man soaked up the attention, practically dancing his way along the aisle. He slipped into the ring, raising his fists into the air as he circled the cage, and the crowd exploded even louder.

Theo backed into his corner when Walt waved him over. “Take off the robe and give it to me, and don’t be intimidated by that guy. He’s a poser.”

“A what?”

Walt rolled his eyes. “He’s good, but not that good. Fast on his feet and likes to kick. Catch his leg, jab him, and then sweep out his other leg. He’ll go down fast.”

Theo nodded. It was a move he’d practiced with John. “I can do that,” he said confidently.

“Good. First round is five minutes, then you get a couple of minutes to rest. Remember, don’t take him out in the first round.” Walt stared at Theo. “You understand?”

Theo held still, holding Walt’s gaze. “Yes. Keep him busy, tire him out, but don’t take him out until round two. Like we discussed in the locker room.”

“Good man.” Glen ran up to Daniel and handed him something through the cage. “Oh shit. Here.” He thrust the piece of plastic at Theo. “Quick, put it in.”

Theo snatched the mouthguard and jammed it in his mouth. “Ugh. Uncomfortable,” he muttered.

“Deal with it, otherwise you’ll cut your mouth up and then you won’t be kissing lover boy here.” Walt elbowed Daniel, whose already pale complexion turned bright red when their gazes met. “Good luck,” he said, giving Theo another firm slap on the back before dashing from the ring.

“Gentleman, meet in the middle. Shake hands and let’s have us a fight.”

Theo spun and headed toward the referee, decked out in black and white stripes, and Bruno. When Bruno raised his fists, Theo did the same, getting a light bump in greeting.

Bruno grinned, showing off his own plastic-filled mouth. “Gonna take you down, old man.”

Theo froze.Old!Well, technically, but still… He lifted his hands, ready to battle.

“Back to your corner, Viking,” the referee scolded him. “Wait for the bell.”

Theo glared at Bruno as he stepped backward. The moment his foot touched his corner…



With the ring of the bell, Daniel’s heart leapt into his throat. He grabbed the cage fencing and hung on, watching Theo and Bruno advance and circle each other. Their fists were raised as they bounced on their toes, ready to block and strike.

Bruno was the first to go on the offensive. He shuffled in and threw a one-two punch, but even Daniel could see they were weak, simply testing Theo’s reflexes as he batted them away. Theo, in turn, did the same. With a touch more power, he caught Bruno on the chin. Shaking it off with a plastic grin, Bruno jabbed and pivoted, striking Theo’s waist with a round kick.

Theo absorbed the hit, backpedaling and touching his side where Bruno had hit him. He frowned, seeming confused for a second before he lifted his head and glared at his opponent. Bruno’s grin fell away, his lips pressed into a thin line, brow furrowing as he returned Theo’s intense stare.

“You got this,” Daniel whispered.
