Page 43 of Love’s Redemption

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Once Aussie had cleared the cage, being helped by his trainer and the medics under Troy's employment, they headed for the locker room. Daniel remained close to Theo, keeping an arm around his waist to prop him up, as many of the gamblers called out, “congratulations” or “great match” or “looking forward to seeing you fight again.” The last one made him weak in the knees. He certainly didn’t want to see Theo fighting again. Not with the way he was bleeding and bruised.

Seriously, Daniel couldn’t figure out why his stomach wasn’t rebelling at seeing Theo covered in blood. Maybe it was because it was someone he cared about, or maybe because he knew God would heal his angel. Yup. God would bring Theo to Heaven or wherever and fix everything. They’d take care of Mr. Troy and then Theo would go home.

Damn it. Disappointment swamped him and slowed his steps. He’d never be good enough for one of God’s angels. Why was he even bothering to hope? Theo peered at him with narrow-eyed concern and lips parted to question, but Daniel shook his head to stop him from asking. Now wasn’t the time.

As they entered the locker room, Glen waved Theo over. Daniel’s anger grew with increasing ferocity as he watched the medic touch his angel.

“Down, boy,” Jay whispered from where he stood at Daniel’s elbow. It only took one small jab to get Theo’s friend to apologize. “Sorry, but you were shooting lasers with your eyes at the poor guy. He’s only trying to help.”

Daniel slumped and blew out a long breath. “You’re right, but I’m not sorry. I don’t want anyone but me touching him right now.”

Jay snickered. “He’ll like that you’re possessive.”

“Maybe, but I shouldn’t be. Pretty sure Big Daddy in the sky will want him back.” Daniel felt defeat wash over him.

Shrugging, Jay ducked his head and refused to make eye contact, though a smirk pulled at his lips. “Pretty sure He’ll let him go.” He walked away then, chuckling and muttering, “Big Daddy” under his breath as he took a position closer to Theo. They listened to Glen tick off the cuts, bruises, and strains, and to his surprise that Theo had escaped the match without a single broken bone.

Thank God, he thought and was startled when Theo glanced over at him, nodding slightly. Daniel needed a minute to himself and so went to hide in a corner. He settled on a bench where he couldn’t see all the hustle and bustle around the angel and let his thoughts spiral.

Theo seemed so sure that God would let him stay on Earth after they defeated Troy, but why? If there were already a bunch of former angels living in Atlantic City, what would another bring to the table?

A low groan of pain had Daniel on his feet and moving before conscious thought.

Theo stood beside Glen’s table, rubbing his hip and side. “Think Aussie got me a couple of times too many.” He twisted, his purpling ribcage moving into Daniel’s view.

Daniel’s stomach, which had remained remarkably steady, took that moment to comment, lurching uncomfortably. He sped toward the nearest garbage can. Bile burned his throat as his stomach forcefully rebelled. As he spit, a cool hand touched his back, and a cold water bottle knocked his fingers where they gripped, white-knuckled, on the edge of the industrial plastic garbage can.

“Thanks,” he muttered, feeling his face heat. He refused to look at whoever had come to his aid, assuming it was Theo.

His assumption proved true when the angel insisted, “It’s the least I can do. Rinse your mouth out and take a few sips. I’m going to hop in the shower to get the sweat off, let Glenn add a few more bandages for good measure, and then take you home.”

Daniel choked out a laugh. “Shower, then I’ll takeyouhome.”

“As you wish,” Theo whispered before placing a light kiss on Daniel’s hair and departing.

Glenn was the next to check on him. “Doing alright?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Right. Okay.” Glenn’s eyebrow raise of skepticism buoyed Daniel’s mood.

“I’m fine. Seriously. You know I hate these fights. The blood…”

Glenn hummed, wobbling his head. He shifted a few inches closer, his voice dropping into a low whisper. “Do you think… Will your man really…? He said…”

“You’re not making much sense. Do I think Theo will do what?”

“Take down Mr. Troy and the organization? I really want out.”

Daniel gaped at the medic. “What makes you say that?”

Glen shrugged. “Something he said. Don’t you want that, too? I know how much you hate coming here. It literally makes you sick to your stomach.”

“True.” Daniel sighed. “I hope so,” he finished in a whisper, which was good because as Theo returned from the super quick rinse-off he must have taken, Troy appeared in his shove-open-the-door, shouting-congratulations, back-slapping, “You-did-fantastic,” over-the-top, exuberant fashion. Daniel was truly glad he wasn’t in Troy’s path when his boss entered. As it stood, he thought he might throw up again.

“I can’t believe you did it, Theo. I thought for sure you might head into round four and really give us a bloody show. Hell, that was fun to watch. You’ll do it again.”
