Page 55 of Love’s Redemption

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“Drink, damn it,” Daniel said, grabbing his chin and forcing Theo to break eye contact with his opponent. Obediently, Theo opened his mouth for the stream of water. “Fuck, you’re like an animal out there, Theo. Biting and scratching furiously. He’s taking a beating. How are you feeling?” Daniel pressed a gauze pad over Theo’s eye, the same eye that had gotten cut during his first match with Bruno, so he assumed the wound had broken open again.

“I’m good.” Theo rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck from side to side. “Yeah. I’m good. Really good. Great. I’m feeling great.”

Daniel’s gaze flitted past him. Curious, Theo turned to look at what had taken his mate’s attention off of him. Sy and El stared at him, their expressions showing a mix of surprise and disbelief.

“What?” he snapped. “I’m doing good.”

“You are,” Sy said.

“We’re impressed,” El added with a sharp nod. “You have what it takes to beat Demon.” He stepped closer, allowing him to drop his voice into a tight whisper. “Remember, if needed, get him here, near us. We’ll help.” He raised his hand, pressing his fist to the cage.

Theo bumped him. “Got it.”

“Trainers out!” the ref shouted.

Daniel pressed a swift kiss to Theo’s cheek. He stared into Theo’s eyes. “Take him down, Viking, so I can take you home.”

Theo blinked, smirked, and then pushed his mate toward the doorway. Renewed confidence bloomed in his chest. Heck, yeah! He had a fight to win and a mate to claim.


Fuck, I can’t believe I said that.Daniel hurried down the steps and over to stand next to Walt, Sy, and El.

Sy sidled closer, tipping his head so he could speak into Daniel’s ear. “I don’t know what you just said, but look—”

Inside the cage, Theo was going to town on Demon. Never before had Theo pummeled his opponent like that. Strike after strike. Theo backed Demon against the far wall of the cage, hitting any exposed area he could get with his fists, elbows, and knees. Watching the match, Daniel gradually noticed one thing about the other fighter. Demon was breathing hard, but he didn’t seem to weaken any, and then Daniel saw why. The man’s eyes glowed, ablaze with red-hot fury.

“Oh shit,” he muttered, the words echoed by those around him.

Theo flew backward, falling onto the mat, where he rolled and sprang to his feet. The crowd roared its approval. Shouts of encouragement for both Viking and Demon rang out amid calls for blood. Daniel’s stomach twisted, bile rose in his throat, and he pressed a hand over his mouth.

Walt shoved the spit bucket at him. “Just in case.”

Daniel accepted it gratefully.

Theo rubbed his bruised side, pacing the cage like a tiger. The way he flexed his hands even made them appear as if claws would spring forth at any moment. Daniel knew the sweet side of that kitty, but this ferocious beast seemed unstoppable.

Demon roared. His muscles bulged, head thrown back as he screamed his fury. The crowd quieted. Not one person could miss the glowing red eyes of the man covered in death tattoos. Just as quick as they came, those narrowed eyes reverted to those of an ordinary man.

Mutterings rose around them. “Did you see that?” “Yeah, fucking cool. I wonder how..” and one “Maybe we should get the hell out of here.” There were also calls for Viking’s or Demon’s defeat and more shouts for blood.

Daniel had no idea how people could be so bloodthirsty. Then again, he had no idea how he’d stayed and worked for March and Troy all this time. Except there had always been the threat to his family…

Please, let him win. Let us win.

“Make ready,” El shouted at Theo, who dropped into a defensive crouch.

Demon stalked toward him, fists lifted, a snarl on his lips, spittle flying with every word of his angry tirade. “You are dead, Viking. I will put you in the ground. Six feet under. Nobody. No. Body. Defeats me.”

Theo took it all in—all Demon’s blustering—and grinned. He casually stood and shook out his arms and legs.

What the—!Daniel gripped the cage, almost smashing his face against the metal as he leaned closer to watch. What was Theo doing?

“Now that takes balls,” Sy said, coming to stand at his side.

“I didn’t think he had it in him,” El said, on Daniel’s other side.

“What are you talking about?” Daniel demanded. “He’s about to get his ass handed to him and you think he’s gotthis?”
