Page 63 of Love’s Redemption

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“Daniel? I would think so. He knew you before all this.”

“True.” Theo sighed. “I only have two more nights. Wait a sec… You’re not surprised to see me during the day.”

Gabriel shook his head. “Father makes his own rules. He doesn’t want us to fail.”

“Spoken like an angel.”

“What can I say? Ari rubs off on me.” They stared at each other for a moment before both cracked up.

“Thank you,” Theo said gratefully. “I need that. I’m driving myself insane, unsure what I should do to win him over.”

Gabriel rubbed his chin and lips as he thought, allowing Theo a moment to study the man Father had chosen for Ari. While a great Aluf of God’s Army, Ari had often been hot-headed and impulsive, but also nervous. He’d been the first Aluf chosen who had been born an angel, never having lived a life on Earth. Never having known what temptation was.

Gabriel led with a gentle hand. He protected all under his care. Without a thought for his own life, he put himself between a demon with a gun and a young runaway, a boy they first fostered and then adopted. He became a hero to not only Ari, but Elijah as well.

Could he be Daniel’s hero?

“I think you just need to be patient. You need to be there for Daniel, support him, and protect him.”

Theo sagged. “Those are all givens, but I no longer have the luxury of time.”

“Nor did Ari or Judah.”

“You fell hard and fast, Gabriel. Your heart was open. Judah had to wait for Locke. Even though Locke’s feelings ran deep, he refused to say it aloud. Father could have made them wait until this year.” Theo leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees as he peered across the small office at a painting of a knight riding into battle against a dragon. “It’s ironic. Here I am, an Angel of Love, who cannot make someone fall in love with me. I know in my heart that Daniel likes me, but love… No, I don’t think so.”

“Does he understand what’s at stake? Ari told me, Judah told Locke. Have you told Daniel what happens if he doesn’t declare his love for you?”

Theo’s gaze centered on Gabriel as he straightened in his seat. Could he flat-out tell Daniel the truth? Without Daniel’s declaration of love, Theowouldreturn to Heaven. Father might or might not then make him wait an entire year before he could try again with Daniel. “No, I haven’t.”

“Then you must. Tonight. You only have forty-eight hours left. The seventh sunset is almost upon us.” Gabriel stood and opened the door to his office.

Theo rose but stayed where he was. “You’re sure I won’t get in trouble?”

“Father wants you to succeed, Theo.” Gabriel left the doorway and approached, placing his hands on Theo’s shoulders. “Tell Daniel the truth. He might not understand at first, but you’ll help him see what he’ll lose if he doesn’t open up his heart.” He gave Theo a little shake, then clapped his back to get him moving. “We’ll see you later. Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.”

Gabriel left Theo standing in his office. Thrown off balance by everything Gabriel revealed, he dropped into the chair. Tell Daniel the truth… It seemed too easy, and yet, made perfect sense. He’d do it. Right now.

Resolved to tell Daniel everything, he strode out of Young Heroes, his determination strengthening with every step.

On the Seventh Night of Chanukah

Friday: Sunset


After spewing his fears to Ari, Leo, Jay, and Locke, Daniel walked away only somewhat relieved. They had his back, that was good… They assured him Sy and El, and their older brother John would help, and if needed, the angels could call in others. Yet, he still had a niggle of doubt and a feeling that he should do more. But what more could he do? He wasn’t a fighter. He wasn’t immortal like the angels. If he got hurt again, he couldn’t afford a lot of treatment. Just when he was making headway on the bills, he’d wind up back at rock bottom.

Then there was the fact that he cared for Theo. A lot. Watching him get hurt night after night, knowing he’d get crushed by Skull. Just thinking about the tattooed beast had his blood pressure rising. Fuck, he needed a shot of vodka or something to calm down.

That quickly, the thought of having a drink had him salivating. He turned inside the nearest casino and laughed as he came face to face with a bouncer he knew on sight. He paid the cover charge, had his hand stamped, and slipped down the hallway into the dimly lit interior of Club Haven.

Every seat was empty, so he slid onto his usual stool at the end and offered the female bartender a grim smile when she greeted him. “Rum and Coke.” He forked over a hundred bucks and told her to keep ‘em coming until he exhausted it, knowing it would buy him at least four, maybe five drinks if they were feeling generous.

He nursed the first one but still finished it quickly. The second he sipped as he watched the other employees start their shifts and a few more customers enter. The music changed from ballads to techno while he drank the third. By the fourth, he had been jostled enough and was feeling his oats enough to get cranky.

The fifth wasn’t cola or rum, but a tall glass of water. Daniel glared at the club’s manager.

“You’re done. You want me to call somebody to come pick you up?”
