Page 65 of Love’s Redemption

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“You are. You were chosen.”

“For what? To be your liaison, your ‘in’ to meeting Troy?”

“No, you were chosen for… You know what? Let’s not do this here. Since we’re too late to go to temple, how about we head back to your apartment? We can talk there.” Theo took a step backward, dragging his fingertips along Daniel’s jaw, and held out his hand, hoping his mate would take it.

Daniel stared at Theo a moment longer, then nodded, taking hold of Theo as he eased off the stool. He didn’t speak until they had exited the club into the main part of the casino, where they could hear each other without shouting.

Theo tried not to worry about how unsteady Daniel was on his feet, or how his hand trembled. He was committed to telling his mate the truth, but if Daniel was intoxicated, would he believe anything Theo said?

Seeing is believing…

You’re sure?

A pleasant warmth filled Theo. He took the hint. Once they were home, he’d not only tell Daniel the truth, he’d also show him.


Theo helped Daniel remove his outerwear, hanging their jackets, hats, and scarves in the tiny closet of his mate’s apartment. A closet that held barely anything. The symbolism of his chosen’s half-empty life felt like a punch to Theo’s chest.

He silently promised to do all he could to fill Daniel’s life to the fullest. He’d insist his mate visit his family more. Theo would encourage Daniel to befriend the angels and their chosen halves. He’d ensure his beloved found a job that excited him. So many ways he could help bring joy back into Daniel’s everyday life.

“You wanted to talk,” Daniel said, flopping onto the couch. His sprawl encompassed all the cushions. “So let’s talk. Tell me why I was chosen to help you take down my demon boss.”

Theo drew in a breath to center himself. Sure, he could just go with whatever Daniel wanted to hear, but while Daniel’s involvement with Troian was perhaps why Father chose now to allow them to meet, it wasn’t nearly everything.

“Adonai heard your prayer, Daniel.” Theo circled the couch so he could stand in front of his mate. “Your wish to change, to do better, tobebetter. He saw in you the potential for greatness.”

Daniel peered at him under hooded lids before swinging his feet to the floor. “Can’t see how great I could ever be. I’ve got a high school diploma, a couple of years of working retail experience, and more than a decade’s worth of getting my hands dirty. I never threw a punch, but you can be sure I stepped back and let others do it.” He dropped his face into his hands as if hiding from Theo’s scrutiny.

Theo’s heart ached for his mate. He moved quickly to kneel at Daniel’s feet and wrapped his hands around his chosen’s wrists, gently tugging them free. Daniel’s eyes were glassy with unshed tears.

“I’m a complete fuck up. Everything I touch goes to shit. You shouldn’t want anything to do with me. You’re too pure. Too innocent. I’ll turn you rotten. God damn my life.”

“No! Daniel, no. Please, don’t say that. Never say that,” Theo entreated, desperately needing to turn this conversation back to where he wanted it to go. Back to him telling Daniel the truth: whyhewas chosen.

“Please, listen to me. Adonai has seen a spark in you. He sent me to nurture it, to see that spark grow into a flame. He chose you for me, knowing I will love you all the days of my life. Together we will flourish, rising from the darkness. I love you… I just need you to love me, too, and we can be together, always.”

“Love? How can you love me? Didn’t you hear what I said?”

“Daniel, I don’t care what you did in the past. You seek redemption, yes? The One Above grants it. He already has.”

“I don’t believe you.”

Theo growled. Was it the alcohol in his system that wasn’t allowing Daniel to see the truth? How was he going to get through to his mate? What would make him believe?

Seeing is believing…Father’s words from earlier rang like a bell in Theo’s mind. Yes… He stood and reached over his head to the collar of the shirt. Daniel’s eyes were wide as they watched him.Yes, beloved, keep watching… See and believe.

Theo pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the side. With a shake of his head, his hair falling from the ponytail he’d pulled it into, he released his wings. They bloomed from his back with white light, highlighting the wonder and awe etched on Daniel’s face.

“I… I…” Daniel stammered, gazing up at Theo.

“Adonai has given me the greatest gift this holiday season.” Theo knelt again at Daniel’s feet, carefully laying his palms on his mate’s thighs.

Daniel cautiously touched Theo’s shoulder before ghosting his fingertips along the upper ridge of a feathered wing. “What?”

Theo held still, even though his mate’s unknowingly intimate touch had him vibrating with glee. “You, beloved. Father chose you.”

“Me? I don’t understand.” Daniel’s gaze darted between looking into Theo’s eyes and admiring his spread wings. Requiring Daniel’s full attention, Theo tucked his wings behind his back. Daniel frowned, but the trick worked. His mate covered Theo’s hands and looked directed at him. “Explain.”
