Page 15 of Drench My Halls

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His jaw tenses slightly while his eyes search mine. He is an intimidating man. His presence alone commands attention, but when he only has eyes for me in this moment, I can’t even move.

“So, when I have my hands on you, why do you want to run?”

I laugh as I sway in place, the shots definitely making me more chatty about my sex life.

“Because you frighten me. I don’t trust myself around you.”

I blink my eyes a couple times, attempting to focus my vision. I need air. I open the door and scurry out the bathroom. I don’t think he follows me as I make it through the crowd and outside. I inhale the fresh cold breeze. Sweat is covering my skin, my hair is sticking to my neck and face, I feel like a hot mess.

“Hey beautiful. I thought you had to leave?” The handsome man I was dancing with earlier strolls up beside me. I step back slightly.

“Yeah, I lied.” I giggle as I grab his drink and down it.

Probably not smart to drink a stranger’s drink but I am definitely wasted at this point. The wind is picking up as thunder rolls over the mountains.

“Julia.” Madison calls out to me.

Caleb is right beside her and is shooting daggers at the handsome man.

Is he jealous?

I can’t help the giddy feelings stirring inside me.


My eyes revert back to the handsome horrible kisser. Oh, okay that oddly suits him.

“Nice to meet you Sean, maybe I’ll see you around.”

I shake his hand, which is weird thing to do to someone you just recently kissed. He notices the awkwardness too as his eyebrows pinch together and a sweet smile form’s.

“Get home safe.”

As I am walking up to the group, Caleb’s eyes never leave Sean. He tracks him until he is no longer in sight. Sabrina strolls out of the club and pulls Caleb towards her.

“I’m sorry, okay? Let’s not fight. I will make it up to you.”

Caleb doesn’t even look at her, his eyes are on my face. I shiver when the cold wind picks up again and drops of rain splash against my cheek. I look up into the sky, letting the rain drops cool my skin off.

“Come on guys, I don’t want to get caught in the storm.” Madison bangs on her hood before she closes the door and starts the engine. We all pile in and buckle up.

The entire car ride back was quiet, aside from Sabrina attempting to kiss Caleb’s neck. He continues to move his face away from her, but she obviously can’t take the hint. I clear my throat as we approach her stop.

“Sabrina, you are up girl. Get out.” Madison calls out.

Sabrina looks at Caleb, her eyes practically begging him to come with her. When he shakes his head, she sighs and then flips Caleb off. He just smiles and waves her goodbye.

“A little harsh don’t you think?” I snicker as I look out the window. Our houses are a couple blocks away, so I unbuckle my seat belt and grab my purse.

“Alright Julia, I will see you tomorrow. Bye Caleb.” Madison waves us goodbye before she speeds down the hill, out of sight. I sigh when I notice she dropped us off right in front of Caleb’s house.

“You really do have a nice place, Caleb.” I mumble as I wobble up the hill.

I drop my keys on to the wet cement. I groan as I attempt to pick them up, but instead I fall over, scraping my knee on the road. The rain picks up, almost as if God is laughing at me hysterically.


Caleb jogs over to me, kneeling down he looks at my knee. He tsks as he scoops me into his arms and begins to walk towards my front door.
