Page 38 of Drench My Halls

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“I am not with her anymore. I want you baby please.”

I laugh into the phone as he completely ignores the latter of my comments.

“Typical of you to run away from your responsibilities. I don’t want to be with you. I will not be bailing you out this time.”

“Do you love him?”

I freeze in place, his voice went from mushy bullshit to stern anger.

“My personal life is no longer your business Daniel. Like I said, lose my number.”

“I swear to fucking God, Julia. You better not be fucking anyone. You are mine do you hear me? I will not live this life without you.”

I roll my eyes at his useless comment.

“Grow up Daniel. Goodbye.”

I hang up the phone, block his number and slip it into my pocket before I head back inside. Caleb is waiting by the dining table; his arms are crossed as he leans against the wall.

“Everything okay?”

He holds his arms out and pulls me in for a big hug. He holds me tight as I breathe out the air I was apparently holding in. My hands are a little shaky when I pull away.

“Yeah, just bullshit. Nothing that will keep me down.” I look out into the living room and spot Travis who must have joined us while I was outside.

“Let’s eat.”

Everyone gathers around the table, each taking a seat as I bring every dish we have. Travis grabs the turkey and ham, setting them in the empty space in front of my chair.

“Hostess does the honors of the first cut, then I’ll take over. You know since I’m the professional here.” We all laugh as he hands me the knife and I slice a layer off the turkey, setting the cut piece on my plate.

“Okay before we dig in, I wanted to say a few words.”

I clear my throat as I pour some wine in my glass and hand the bottle over to Caleb. I raise my glass as everyone finishes filling theirs.

“Since the moment I arrived in Everwood, you all have been nothing but kind and caring. I had no one in LA, friends came and went, I never had a place that I fit in. I thought coming here I would have peace and quiet, I’m glad that’s not the case. Madison, I know it’s only been a couple months, but I feel like you have so quickly filled the role of my best friend and I thank you. I am thankful for all of you.”

I raise my glass higher, but Caleb clears his throat and stands up. I take a seat and allow him the floor.

“I’m not good at this but, I am thankful for each and every one of you as well. Travis, you know you’re my best friend, you have been there for me through everything. So, thank you for continuing to put up with my fucked up life. Madison you’re awesome too. Connor you may be an annoying shit, but I love you too man. Now as for you, Julia.”

My heart stops, inside I’m screaming for him to just say thank you for dinner, but the way he is looking at me says otherwise.

“Julia, you have been a light in my darkness. I didn’t expect to ever let myself open up to anyone. You have this way about you, it makes me want to share and I feel like no matter what you are never judging, you just understand who I am and what I have been through.”

“And she is fucking hot.” Madison chimes in, raising her glass at Caleb.

“Yes, true, but its more than that. She still believes in love, even though the cards haven’t been in her favor. She believes a greater love is out there, and that gives me courage and hope.” He raises his glass.

Tears swell in my eyes as I smile up at him. This man is trying to steal my heart and I want to give it to him. I want to, but that requires me to trust him with everything. We still don’t know everything about each other.

The doorbell rings as everyone consumes their food and laughs at stories they share about one another. I wipe my mouth off with the napkin and head to the front door.

“Hi, can I help you?” I peer up at the older gentleman at my doorstep. He is completely bundled up and has a large beard. His dark eyes loom over me as he looks into my living room.

“I’m looking for my son C…”

He doesn’t get a chance to continue talking.

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