Page 45 of Drench My Halls

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He shakes his head as he listens to the response.

“Okay, yeah. I’ll stay with her until you can get someone out. Thank you.”

He hangs up the phone and tosses it onto the table, before he proceeds into the kitchen.

“What did they say?” I ask as he grabs a coffee mug and hits start on the Keurig.

“Because of the storm right now, they can’t send anyone to check. They have to wait for the roads to be plowed.”

I am not worried now that Caleb is here. I feel protected, but I am concerned about who that was.

Iwake up in the middle of the night to a text message. I forgot to put my phone on do not disturb, so the ringer was pretty loud.

You always look so beautiful when you sleep.


My heart pounds against my chest. I look over at Caleb, but he is peacefully sleeping. My eyes scan across my bedroom. I don’t see anyone. This has to be Daniel texting me. He is the only one who would know how I sleep. An eerie feeling creeps over me as I pull the covers off and slip out of bed. My feet touch the ground, but it’s wet and cold. I gasp as I turn on the lamp on the night-stand. Wet boot prints are tracked all over my floor.

“Caleb. Caleb wake up.”

I whisper in case he is still in the house.

How the fuck did he get in?

Caleb sits up, rubbing his eyes before he looks at me. He can see the panic in my eyes. He looks around.

“What the fuck?”

He attempts to shout but I place my finger against my lips signaling him to be quiet. He gets up and looks around the room once more before grabbing the fireplace prod. I stay behind him as he creeps out into the hallway. We check the entire house, following the footprints. The house is quiet, but the wind is growing louder the farther we walk down the hall. We round the corner and enter the living room, it’s freezing in here.

We turn right and notice the footprints lead right to the front door, which is wide open. Snow is blowing into the house and onto the floor. Caleb strides over to the door, looking out onto the porch before he closes the door and once again locks it in place.

“Julia, would Daniel be psycho enough to break into your house?”

I shrug as I pace the living room. “He texted me. Said I always look beautiful when I sleep.”

“Jesus Christ.” He fingers his hair as he leans against the couch.

Three days we have been inside the house, snowed in with no power. Luckily, I had plenty of firewood to keep the house warm. We constantly checked the doors and windows ensuring no one could get in without us knowing. We have barely slept just being on edge. Today the plow was able to come through and salt the roads, so the Sheriff and his men were able to search the area. They of course didn’t find anything suspicious, but all the evidence would be buried beneath the fresh blanket of snow. They took our statements and suggested getting a new security system.

Because Christmas is approaching, we decide to head out of the house and grab a tree for my living room but it's also to clear my head. I bundle up with my winter coat, hat, scarf, gloves and boots. Caleb looks so handsome in his winter coat, red plaid long sleeve, pants and boots. He even has a hat on making him look more and more like a mountain man. It reminds me of when he was outside cutting firewood.

“How about this one?” I point to a small tree, the bristles full and green.

“It’s a little too thin. You want it to be grand. It will last longer.”

He walks over observing the nearby trees. The snow crunches beneath his boots.

“This one.”

He finds a large tree that would in fact look perfect with my high ceilings. It’s vibrant green, no missing limbs and full of pines. I nod and he begins chopping the trunk. He cuts it almost all the way through before he rests his hand on the trunk and pushes it over.

“Timber.” He yells out and laughs.

I can’t help but smile at how happy he looks. I am happy too, but I am also on edge. It’s been three days since my house was broken into. Nothing was taken, but my security.

“Julia, are you okay?” He strokes my arm as he lifts the trunk of the tree and drags it behind us.
