Page 47 of Drench My Halls

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“Daniel the next time I see your fucking smug face, you better run.”

Caleb hangs up the phone. “Change your number right now.” He demands.

I take my phone and call the phone company. My hands are shaking when I walk into the kitchen. I lean over the sink and rest my head on my hands. The agent puts me on hold and I just need a minute. It doesn’t make any sense.

Why is Daniel acting this way?

Why is he so concerned with who I am with?

He broke us, he cheated, he asked for a divorce, he got another woman pregnant. I left LA to escape the bullshit and he is bringing it right to my front door.

When does it stop?

We already filed a police report and I filed a Protection order against him, which he received because I received the signed copy. He shouldn’t even be contacting me.

“Come on, let’s put some Christmas music on and add these ornaments. Connor, can you get some wine open?” Madison grabs my hand and leads us to the tree.

Caleb disappears in the bedroom for a while. Madison and I dance around the tree while adding the ornaments, sipping wine, as we try to clear my mind of the bullshit. It works, I don’t think of anything but the fun I am having with my best friend.

Caleb pulls me to him, and we dance, swaying to the music.

“I love you.” He whispers into my ear as he dips me back and kisses my lips.

Madison yells out, “Awwwwww.”

I can’t help but smile and turn red. Displays of affection are my weakness. I love that he is not afraid to let everyone know how he feels about me. It’s so new to me. Usually, I am the one who falls hard and fast for someone. But Caleb, he gushes with love and admiration as he stares into my eyes.

“Okay, let’s play never have I ever.” Madison plops down on the couch, pulling me down with her.

“I have never played.” I admit.

I never went to parties in college, I was always the girl studying hard in her dorm. I was constantly called boring because I didn’t do what, “normal”, adults my age did. I was okay with that. I didn’t want to drink, smoke or do drugs, and if that was what normal people did, I didn’t want any part in that. They all look at me surprised and I shrug.

“You have a lot to learn my sweet Julia.” Madison laughs as she explains the rules of the game.

“Okay so correct me if I am wrong. We put 10 fingers up and take turns saying never have I ever, whatever, and if someone has done it, they put a finger down and take a shot?”

Madison nods enthusiastically.

“Okay, let’s play.”

Connor grabs the tequila and four shot glasses as he joins us on the couch. Madison starts and of course her never have I ever is extremely dirty.

“Never have I ever had a threesome?” She shoots her eyes around the room, as she places a finger down. She is the only one in the room who has a finger down. We all laugh as she huffs and takes a shot.

“Ya’ll should try it.” She shrugs.

“I don’t like to share.” I admit as I look at Caleb. He winks at me before his turn comes around.

“Never have I ever been arrested?”

My fingers remain in the air. I am not one to get in trouble. Connor places his finger down and takes his shot.

“For what?” I can’t help but ask.

“I got into a bar fight last year, got arrested for drunken disorderly.”

Okay, so he didn’t kill someone so that’s good. His rugged, bad boy appearance would have you thinking otherwise. My turn rolls around, and it takes me a minute to think of something.
