Page 53 of Drench My Halls

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“Here. Put these on and meet me in the living room when you are done.”

I hand her the clothes, before I walk out of the bathroom giving her a moment to collect her thoughts. I grab my phone off the counter and send a text to Madison and Connor as I sit on the couch.

Christmas will be at my house this year, let everyone know. 5pm.

Okay. We will bring some things over. Is Julia okay?

She will be.


Her arms wrap around my neck as she hugs me. I grab her arm and move her around the couch to my front. She nestles on my lap as her head rests against my heart. The fireplace is glowing as the fire sears the wood. The snow has begun to fall against the window seal creating a foggy mist on the window.

“Ask me anything.” I mumble as I attempt to pour some wine into a glass.

I hand her one glass as she shifts off my lap and onto the couch cushion beside me. She crosses her legs and faces me, her hand playing with the stem of the glass as she bites her lip and thinks of what to ask.

“Okay, but if it’s too much, I'll back off”, she states as she reaches her hand onto my thigh.

Her eyes are worried. I shift in my seat, waiting for the gut wrenching question I already know she is going to ask. She needs to know more. She just hasn’t had the courage to ask, or maybe she didn’t want to know before and now she does.

“Why did your wife commit suicide?”

She takes a sip of her wine before she realigns her sight to mine. I lean my elbow against the back of the couch and perch my head on my knuckles.

“We were trying for a long time to have a baby. Everything we tried failed. So, we were getting ready to begin IVF treatments. I was working a lot so I could save up, while I was away her results came back, she had stage four ovarian cancer.” I pause as I take another sip.

“Her grandmother had died a couple years before, was diagnosed with the same cancer and died two months later, it was an extremely rough process for her grandfather, and Lucy didn’t want me to go through what they did. She didn’t want to go through all the pain.”

While I was speaking, Julia set down her wine glass, her elbows resting up on her knees as her hands covered her mouth.

“Are you still….?” She tries to back track her question, but I finish it for her.

“Am I still in love with her? Am I still not ready to move on?”

She nods.

“I am in love with you Julia. I forgave Lucy for leaving me that way. I forgave myself for not being there. I thought I couldn’t love again, but then you came into my life, and everything just felt exactly like it should. You have made me open up and face my own feelings.”

“How? I don’t know shit about love, apparently.” She throws her hands out, signaling to look around. Her eyes immediately gravitate to the window overlooking her home.

“Just because you were dealt a shitty hand doesn’t mean you don’t know love. Julia, you love hard, I see it. We all do. He just didn’t know how to handle your love. He wanted to control you.”

She leans forward slightly. Her lips part as her tongue slides across.

“And do you?”

“Do I what Julia?” I set my wine glass down on the coffee table before I bring my attention back to her. I try not to focus on the fact that she is dressed in my white t-shirt, has no bra so her tits rest against the material as her pebbled nipples stare at me, and she is wearing my boxers.How easily I could remove them from her body.

“Do you know how to handle my love?”

“Ask more questions Julia. If you want this cock inside you tonight, get all your questions out. Then you can decide if I can handle your love.”

“How do I know if the next time we argue, you won’t run into the arms of Sabrina?”

Okay, I wasn’t expecting that question. I haven’t even thought about Sabrina. I broke things off with her when I realized I loved Julia. I wasn’t expecting my feelings to come to surface but when they did, I let Sabrina know.

“Sabrina was nothing more than someone I could get lost in the moment with. As soon as I realized how much I cared about you, I broke things off with Sabrina. She was mad, but she understood that you were someone she could never compete with.”
