Page 62 of Drench My Halls

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“Have you? Because from the sounds of it, you still hold me higher in your heart then you care to admit.”

I quickly get off the couch and over to the door.

“Get the fuck out of my house.”

She walks towards me and my heart hammers in my chest.

A sudden shift in her body language happens when she steps up to me, her lips only inches from mine as she inhales my scent.

“Are you sure you want me to leave Mr. Taylor?” She purrs.

What the fuck?

I open the door and wave her out, slamming the door behind her as I press my back to it and exhale.

“Julia.” I mumble to myself as I search for my phone. I walk into the kitchen and notice a phone sitting on the table. It’s not mine, its Julia’s phone.


I grab my coat and notice my phone still in the pocket. I open the front door and run up the hill to Julia’s front door. I bang on the door, but there is no answer, no lights on. Shit, of course not, there is still a hole in the house, she wouldn’t be in there. I look around trying to think where would she go?

I dial the first person I can think of.

“Madison, is Julia with you?”

“No. I haven’t spoken to her. Why is everything okay?”

I shake my head as I get back to my driveway and start my truck.

“No. Lucy is alive.”

With that I hang up the phone, not ready to explain the situation but enough to let her know the severity of the situation.

I drive around town, checking Main Street, the bar, the parks, everywhere. Nothing, she isn’t here. I grab her phone and put in her password. I know it because she has asked me to look stuff up for her with her phone. Not because I am some creep. I dial another person who would know where she is.


“Violet, this is Caleb.”


“Do you know where I can find Julia?”


Now I’m just getting annoyed as I grip the steering wheel tightly.

“Are you going to tell me?”

“Nope. Sorry, Julia is not available at this time.”

She hangs up the phone.

I slam my hands against the steering wheel, cursing into thin air, as I hit the horn over and over. I yell at the top of my lungs. Luckily everyone has gone home or else all eyes would be on me. I pull into the motel, quickly getting out to see if maybe she got a hotel room.

When I enter the lobby, I approach the front desk. The manager looks up from his computer screen and waits for me to talk but before I can, my attention is pulled elsewhere.

“Following me now, Caleb?” Her voice makes chills go down my spine, it’s like hearing from a ghost. It’s too fresh to have become reality yet. Lucy is alive. I shake my head.
