Page 7 of Drench My Halls

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I am hoping he takes the hint when I yawn, stretching my arms out. He smiles and dips his chin.

“Well, I won’t bore you with questions, tonight. If you need breakfast, The Tavern is the best in town.” He winks as he takes his leave.

I quickly close the door, locking it, and press my back against the black wood. I overhear him talking to himself and I can’t help but laugh.

“Jesus, ‘an author, wow’. Really, I sounded so lame.” He says as his footsteps fade away.

Actually Caleb, I didn’t think you sounded lame, I just wasn't ready to tell you what I write about. Telling a man, you write smut for a living can open up all types of questions or have said man running away. I smile and turn the lights off, returning back to the warmth of my bed.

The morning sun shines through the glass windows as the sun reaches the peaks of the mountains. I stretch my arms as I walk over to the sliding door, opening it to let the fresh mountain air in. It seems colder today, so I grab my robe hanging on the bathroom wall. I shuffle my feet along the hardwood as I make my way to the kitchen.

There is truly nothing like your first cup of coffee in the morning. I am a monster before my coffee, don’t talk to me, don’t look at me. The coffee maker beeps when its finished dispensing 10oz of delicious Carmel coffee into a glass mug. I reach into the refrigerator, pour about three seconds of creamer then heading to the cabinet next for sugar and stir the delicious goodness.

Walking back to my room, I collect my phone and take a seat outside on the swinging chair. The chair hangs from the patio ceiling, it is padded with cream cushions and fits my entire body. I crisscross my legs and sip my coffee, feeling the warm liquid roll down my throat, I sigh. If you listen closely, you can hear the tree’s swaying, the birds chirping as they collect worms from the dewy grass below, the early morning commuters warming their cars, the water trickling down the river and you can smell the wood being burned in the chimneys.

It’s so peaceful. I scroll through TikTok as I drink my coffee. I enjoy seeing the funny videos, book related content, and other authors promos for their books. I sit up when I see a video from E entertainment, it shows Daniel walking the red carpet with his new beau, Aubrey, and how they are happily in love.

Good for him, truly. I wish I could just move on already, find someone who loves me more than I love them, that’s what my grandmother used to say.

“Find someone who loves you more than you love them, that way if they ever break your heart, they suffer the most.”

Sinister I know, but harder to achieve even more. When I love, I love hard, I give it my everything, I just wish it was reciprocated. I never imagined that at 30 years old I would be divorced. You go your whole youth thinking you will find your prince charming, get married, have kids and live happily ever after. But those fairytales never prepare you for the whores that will throw themselves at your husband, or the husband who can’t control his fucking penis to save his life. I take a deep breath and shut off my screen. I stand up and walk over to the edge of the balcony, looking over at the river water crashing against the rocks.

I turn my head to the right when I hear a door close. Caleb strolls outside fully clothed this time, in a black hoodie and jeans, his rain boots on, and a beanie on his head. He walks over to his pile of wood, grabbing a couple of stumps before he begins chopping the stumps in half. Is it weird to find him oddly attractive swinging an axe? I shrug to myself and head back inside. My stomach growls as I take a shower and add moisturizer to my face.

Ding dong.

The doorbell chimes as I secure my towel around my body and swiftly make my way to the front door.

“Good morning.”

Madison smiles as she hands me a brown paper bag, grease seeping through, as the sugar seeps into my nostrils.

“Gloria’s Bakery down on Main Street has the best donuts.”

She lets herself right in, plopping down on the couch. She looks up at me, her eyes trailing up and down my body.

“Jesus you are so hot. No wonder Caleb was all goo goo eyes for you last night.”

I huff as I set the donuts down on the counter and walk down the hallway.

“He was not.”

I disappear into my closet. I grab a pair of jeans, a red long sleeve and a plaid jacket. I put on my warm socks and black boots before I re-join Madison in the living room.

“Dude, he totally was. Too bad he isn’t available.”

I eye her curiously as I settle on the couch across from her.

“Yeah, I saw his girlfriend last night. She looked fun.” I smile as I remember the hot steamy pool sex. How I played with myself as his eyes bored into my soul. I press my thighs closed as the need for friction is creeping up.

“Eh, Sabrina. She isn’t his girlfriend. She just hooks up with him, pathetic on her end if you ask me.”

I didn’t ask though. I am no one to judge a situation.

“You said he isn’t available.” I retort.

“Yeah, as in, he doesn’t date. He keeps things casual.” She pulls out a planner from the satchel and pops off the cap on her pen.
