Page 77 of Drench My Halls

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Ten Months Later (Christmas Eve)….

My baby’s first cry rings through my ears as she is pulled out of my wife. My vision clears as I wipe the tears away. Julia pushed for one hour, just pure unmedicated strength. I look down as the doctor suctions our daughter’s tiny little mouth, ensuring her airways are clear before she lays our sweet girl on Julia’s chest. The nurse rubs the towel over her tiny little body, clearing away any meconium and blood. Julia is crying as she looks into the tiny blue eyes that are staring at her.

“You did it baby. Look at her, she is perfect.” I cry as I kiss the top of Julia’s sweaty forehead. She wipes her tears as she holds Alison in her arms.

Alison Marie Taylor. Named after her great grandmother and grandmother, a perfect name for a perfect girl.


Julia cries once more as she latches a hungry newborn to her nipple. The nurse smiles as she helps Julia get a proper latch. This was one of Julia’s requests, to latch the baby right after birth ensuring her stomach was sealed by the colostrum. She only wants to breastfeed, so my job is to ensure no one forces formula. She wants to let her body do its job for as long as it can.

“Congratulations Mom and Dad. You have a beautiful, healthy baby girl. What a wonderful Christmas Eve miracle.” The doctor says while washing her hands in the sink next to the bed.

“Thank you. Merry Christmas Eve, Doc.”

I return my gaze back down to Julia and Alison.

My girls. My hearts. I can’t help but think about how lucky I am to have such an amazing, strong, beautiful wife. Before Julia came into my life, I thought I would be miserable for the rest of my life. I thought my heart couldn’t grow attached to another person, that I would forever be unable to connect. But I was wrong. Julia opened up my eyes, to love, to life, to happiness. I thank Ali and God every day for bringing her into my life.

Julia’s mom is in the room with us. She has been taking photos and crying the whole time.

“Marie, do you want to hold her?”

She shakes her head while holding up her camera.

“No. You guys enjoy her. Giga will get her time with the little princess in a moment. Let me collect myself.”

She snaps one more photo before kissing Julia’s cheek and smiling at Alison. She heads out of the room, and I walk over to the door. Tony is waiting in the hallway, when he sees Marie, he opens his arms, and she nestles herself right against his chest. He rubs her back to sooth her.

“She did so good, hunny. Alison is perfect.” She cries.

My heart feels incredibly full.

Twenty-four hours have passed. The doctor has checked Julia and discharged her and Alison from the hospital.

“Remember Mr. Taylor, no sexual activity for 6 weeks.”

I place my hand on my chest and gasp.

“I wouldn’t go against the doctor’s orders, Julia.”

She laughs as she bundles up Alison in her winter clothes. She slept against Julia’s chest last night, so she was calm and relaxed. I guess when you spend your whole incubation listening to your mother’s heart, being near it outside the womb would calm anyone.

“Let’s go home.”

I wheel Julia and our daughter out of the hospital and into the snowy day. The drive home is thirty minutes, luckily Julia fed Alison before we left so she is asleep in her carseat. I peer into the rearview mirror, Julia is staring down at Alison, the love and admiration twinkle in her eyes.

“I’m getting a little jealous, Julia. You are going to love her more than me, aren’t you?” I joke as I focus back on the road.

Her hand presses against my shoulder as she leans forward.

“My love for you will always be different from the love I give our children Caleb. But I’ll take a jealous fucking from my husband. In six weeks.” She laughs as she sits back against the seat.

“I will be counting down the days, baby.” I groan as I pull up to our home.

I quickly unbuckle my seat belt and open the door for Julia. I assist her out and then un-click the car seat. Alison is staring at me with wide eyes, her blue eyes look exactly like Julia.

“Welcome home baby girl.” I coo at her in my dad voice that I apparently have.
