Page 11 of Thon

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Sittingcross-leggedonThon’spelts and watching the enormous Harkurian climb inside is a bit like a repeat of this morning exceptnowshe is intimidated. He’s missing his overcoat so there’s nothing to distract Krista from the rippling planes of his tattooed chest, his incredible hunter’s form marked with its long record of milestones. There are no second thoughts, but this doesn’t stop Krista’s throat from going dry or her pulse from quickening. She’s pinned beneath a look so intent that only Thon’s prey can have ever seen it.

But then Thon looks down at her hands, sees them fidgeting uselessly in her lap, and he frowns. For a moment, Krista wonders if he will offer to wait, but that would be worse. Between the anxiety and the lust, waiting might actually kill her. So she puts her hands behind her back and leans on them, unfurling her bare legs from beneath his coat. Thon tracks the movement avidly, zeroing in on the long expanse of skin as she reveals it. His coat sits like a short dress on her, falling almost to her knees when she’s standing, but lounging back like this the hem creeps scandalously up her bare thighs.

“Do you know how it looked?” Thon growls, prowling forwards on his hands and knees. “Findingmycoat on you.”

“No,” Krista lies, her mouth dry. “How did it look?”

He doesn’t answer with words. Thon crawls up Krista’s body with lethal grace, his motions too fluid, too inhuman, to fit with anything Krista thought she understood about bulk versus dexterity. Something this huge should be awkward and ponderous, not flowing and sensual. Thon towers over her, his hands resting on either side of her hips and forcing her to tilt her head back so she can look up into his face.

He’s on her in a flash, his mouth falling in a searing line across her lips. Gods, he’s hot, likeactually,physically hot, his body radiating heat like a wood stove. No wonder he didn’t mind losing his coat. He functions as his own heat source. Before Krista has a chance to react to this discovery, he’s moving again, picking his head up only to drop it slightly left of center, his superheated tongue poking curiously at the corner of Krista’s lips. She opens for him and he slides in greedily, a startled exhale fanning across her face.

Thon has more enthusiasm than finesse, licking into her mouth only to immediately withdraw, deciding that he wants to suck at her lower lip instead. Breathing a quiet laugh, Krista lets her elbows buckle, falling away from him and looking up. He’s a bit wild in the eyes, bending as though he might follow, but she brushes her fingers over his chest to stop him. It’s like touching sun-baked stone, but two fingers are all it takes to halt him.

“Take your boots off,” she says breathlessly, marveling at his quickness to obey. He doesn’t even protest, he just rolls to the side and starts fumbling with the laces as quickly as he can, his nimble fingers made clumsy with haste. He kicks his way out of one boot, then the other, then Krista climbs impatiently onto a thigh that is almost bigger around than she is and straddles it like she’s riding a small horse.

With only a few staying fingers, she can hold this enormous male in place. “I want to look at you.”

Thon shudders so deeply that Krista’s whole body moves with him. “I … will not look like a Human male,” the Harkurian warns her roughly.

“I should think not.” Krista’s fingers drift down the hard body before her, feeling a bit drunk on this strange dynamic she feels forming between them. Helistensto her. He responds. It’s so alien that Krista hardly knows what to do with it, but she knows she wants more. He has given her a taste of something exciting, something she didn’t know about herself—not the way she should. She wants to grab that impulse with both hands and see where it leads.

When her fingertips run into the hem of Thon’s leather pants, he catches her wrist in his hand and squeezes. He’s gentle with her, but rope burn is an angry thing and she hisses softly,

“Did I—” he begins to say, but his faint alarm rolls off into a growl before he can finish his question. “Who did this to you?”

“Ah … A little bit High Priest, a little bit me,” Krista says sheepishly. “His acolytes tied my wrists after all the slicing, but then I tried to free myself.”

“Of course you did,” Thon answers fiercely, making to turn the damaged skin around so he can inspect it, but Krista intercepts him with another kiss and gently extracts her hand while she presses into him.

“If you’re cataloging my injuries, we’ll be here a while. I’m fine. Much tougher than I look.” He hesitates at least as long as it takes her to fiddle with the waistline of his pants, dipping to the first knuckle in a teasing brush of skin. Then he seems to refocus, his chin dipping to watch her hand.

“Let me?” Krista asks. "I want you in my hand."

Thon shifts his hips restlessly, consciously or unconsciously rubbing himself against the inside of his placket. “It will be very different. Perhaps we should douse the lantern.”

“Do you need that?"


"Then I don't." The base of Thon’s skull is soft like a peach where the hair is short. Delighted by the discovery, she strokes him here, relishing his startled blinking. “I’ve seen Pel’s.”

A low rumble passes through his broad chest—something Krista feels more than she hears. “You saw Pel’s sheath. You did not seePel.”

Krista mouths along the sharp edge of the Harkurian’s jaw until she finds his pointed ear. “Do you think I’ll panic over an exciting new penis?” She pulls the lobe into her mouth, catching one of the metal rings between her teeth and eliciting another small shiver from the Harkurian. “Don’t be insulting.”

With a shuddering sigh, Thon releases her wrist. “Alright. If you desire it.”

“Oh, I think I very much will.” In fact, Krista is determined to like it, or at least make a very convincing show of liking it, because she doesn’t enjoy how stiffly Thon holds himself when she cups the front of his pants in her palm like he expects her to recoil from the sight of him. Well, he doesn’t. He’s huge and hot and alive beneath her hand, and no matter what else he is, he’s reacting this way toKrista. She can treat his cock kindly even if it is the freakiest and most unappealing thing she has ever set eyes on. She doesn’towehim that. Kindness isn’t part of their bargain, but he has already been more than kind to her.

Slowly, Krista unlaces the tough leather ties at the front of his pants. He allows it, his eyes riveted to her face as the placket gives way and he spills free.

At first glance, despite the hardness Krista felt beneath her palm, she thinks he’s flaccid. The thing that rests amongst the untidy folds of fabric looks precisely like a huge, green,flaccidcock. But the foreskin on this one is a little different, more thorough, covering Thon completely and sealing at the end. The seal breaks a little each time he inhales, showing the tiniest peek of a lighter green head. It appears slippery to start with, but under Krista's scrutiny a bead of clear fluid dribbles from the slit, escaping the foreskin and hanging there in a long glistening thread. Krista’s mouth waters.

Uh oh. She won’t have to fake any interest in this thing.
