Page 109 of The Art of Falling

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“We did it,” he speaks into my hair, his body shaking to the point that I think for a moment he might be crying.

Seconds later, a younger man comes into the room, quickly prepping Archer to go on stage.

He barely has time to hug his parents before he’s hauled off. I have to watch it happen from inside the room, the moment his name is announced and he steps out on the stage, being presented with a Chargers jersey by the commissioner.

It seems like a dream.

How many nights did I lose sleep over this?

How many times did I worry that this would be the end of us?

But I should have known better than to worry. Archer promised me that he would do all he could to stay close to me so that we could live out our dreams together. And while I would have given up Laboe to follow him anywhere, he didn’t want that for me, and truthfully, I didn’t want that for myself.

When he walks back into the room in a Chargers hat, jersey in tow, it’s all I can take not to throw myself into his arms. I’m sure this is a lot to process and the last thing I want to do is overwhelm him.

“Well, Son, how does it feel to have all your dreams come true?” his dad asks as he sets the jersey and hat on the table next to him.

“Ask me that question in a minute,” he tells him, turning to stand in front of me. “Rory. We’ve been through a lot together these past few months. I know I was terrified in the beginning and that I did some really stupid things.” He chuckles to himself. “But I wouldn’t trade where we are for anything in the world. I was right when I said you made me better. I’ve never been happier than the moments I’ve spent with you.”

I have no idea where this is going or why he’s saying all this right now, but with the camera pointed right at me and my pulse thumping rapidly against my neck, I honestly feel a little lightheaded.

“So, that’s why I want to ask you...” When he pulls something from his pocket and lowers himself to one knee in front of me, I’m pretty sure I momentarily lose consciousness. “Rory Hensley, will you make this night the best night of my life and agree to be my wife?”

I don’t have to think about my answer. I know it before the question even leaves his lips. But because words seem to fail me, I nod yes, allowing him to slip the beautiful diamond onto my finger.

I’m both laughing and crying when he stands, cupping my face in his.

“I love you.”

“I love you.” I finally manage to form actual words.

The room erupts around us and only then do I realize that more people have joined our small party. Alina and Enzo are standing by the door. My best friend is smiling in a way that says she knew this was coming. Which clearly, everyone did. Because seconds later little arms wrap around my middle and I look down to see my little sister hugging my side.

Archer reluctantly releases me but stays close, his hand wrapped in mine. Hugging Rylee with my free arm, I scan the room for my parents, who I quickly locate. Mom’s crying, as per usual, and my dad is beaming from ear to ear.

“You planned all of this.” I turn my head to see Archer smiling at me, happiness dancing in every crevice of his expression.

“Were you surprised?”

“Um, yeah,” I admit with a laugh, turning back toward him when Rylee releases me to rejoin my parents. I know I need to hug everyone, but right now I just want five minutes with the man I just agreed to marry. Five minutes without eyes or cameras pointed at us. “Can we, um, can we have a moment alone?” I ask the room, my eyes not leaving Archer’s.

“Uh-oh, you know what that means.” Enzo laughs, making an obscene thrusting motion with his hips.

“What are you, five?” I hear Alina scold him as she ushers him out the door.

Seconds later, it’s just us. Just me and Archer and the promise of a future I couldn’t have dreamed up in my wildest of dreams.

“So, future Mrs. Copeland. You have me. Now what are you going to do with me?” He tucks my hair behind my ear, his fingers lingering on my jaw.

“I’m not sure yet. But it looks like we have our whole lives to figure it out.” I wrap my hands around the back of his neck, pulling his face down to mine. “Now shut up and kiss me good and proper,” I whisper against his mouth.

“As you wish, babe. As you fucking wish.” He presses a kiss to my lips.

“I look forward to hearing those words for the next eighty years,” I murmur against his mouth before opening to allow him to swipe his tongue along mine.

“And I look forward to saying them.” He groans, pulling me closer as he deepens the kiss.

Loving Archer Copeland is like existing inside a hurricane. The whole world can be ripping apart around us and yet all I feel is the stillness you can only find in the center of the storm. He brings me the peace I didn’t know I needed. The love I swore I never wanted. And the life I never dreamed I’d have. He is everything. And he is mine.

You see, there’s an art to everything, even falling in love. And like everything else he does, Archer has mastered it with ease. I don’t know why I ever bothered trying to resist such a man. He took my heart and tucked it away before I had even realized it was gone.

I don’t need to know the end of the story to know what comes next. When two people love each other the way Archer and I do, there’s only one inevitable outcome. I’m sure you’re familiar with how it goes.

And so they lived happily ever after.

The end.
