Page 19 of The Art of Falling

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God, why can’t I be a more confrontational person like Alina? If I were, I’d tell him what I really think. That he’s a conceited, entitled manwhore who doesn’t deserve the talent he’s been given. That he’s a bully. That he picks on me and pushes me around because he knows he can get away with it. And that secretly, deep down, I hate him because of the way he dangles himself in front of me, teasing me because he knows that I know he would never want me that way. And I hate myself more so for even thinking it.

“Do you want to know how I perceive you?” He dips down so that he’s standing at eye level with me, giving me no choice but to meet his gaze.

“No.” I bite my bottom lip to hide the way it trembles ever so slightly.

“A beautiful woman who hides behind her art because she’s afraid of losing everything if she lets herself get distracted for even a moment.” His warm breath slides across my face as he speaks. “But I think deep down, you’re desperate to break the chains you keep yourself so tightly bound inside of. I think you’re dying to know what it’s like.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I move to put some distance between us, but the desk behind me makes it impossible to put any real space between us, especially when he follows the movements.

“I think you do. You’re dying to know what it’s like to be free. To let yourself have what you want.Whoyou want.”

“You don’t know anything about me.” His insinuation has my irritation spiking.

“But I do. Because, Rory, you’re just like me.”

“I’m nothing like you.” My voice catches in my throat when he leans in so close our noses brush.

“Look closer then.”

He holds my gaze for another long second before he abruptly steps away, the air around me growing cold in an instant. I blow out a slow, silent breath, not sure if I’m more relieved or disappointed by the space he now puts between us. But that’s not right. Because I hate him. I hate everything he stands for. And yet, in this moment, I kind of don’t feel like I hate him at all.

Because I suddenly get the feeling that maybe I’m not the only one hiding. Only where I’m in the corner, blanketed by darkness, Archer is in the spotlight, hiding in plain sight.

And then he goes and ruins everything I feel like I’ve just discovered by what he says next.

“Well, it’s been fun, but I’ve got more important places to be.” He abruptly turns and heads toward the door, giving me a serious case of whiplash.

“Have fun contracting another STD,” I call to his back, internally cringing at my own pettiness.

He doesn’t warrant my childishness with a response, which in turn only makes me feel more foolish for saying something so stupid.

I wish I could say that I was able to just let go of everything he said and that I didn’t give it a single thought for the rest of the night. But then again, I’ve never been a very good liar...

Chapter Four

