Page 23 of The Art of Falling

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“I don’t give a fuck what he tells people. He drank too much, as per usual, and I had to keep him from forcing himself on someone who clearly wasn’t interested. If anything, he should be thanking me.”

“I’m not sure he sees it that way.”

“Not sure I care,” I grumble, having grown tired of Tigs’s bullshit long ago. I’m honestly surprised he still has a place on the team at this point.

“Listen, I love you, man, you know that, and I respect the hell out of how hard you work, but sometimes you gotta take the blinders off and see what’s in front of you. Tigs is going through something, man. I just know it.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know how to explain it. Just trust me on this. I know he acts like a fool a lot of the time, but I don’t think he’s worth giving up on. And if he’ll listen to anyone, it’ll be you. Just talk to him.”

“Okay,” I finally concede, not convinced it will do a damn bit of good.

“Now, let’s get back to this girl of yours.”

“Man, fuck you.” I shove his shoulder, laughter rumbling through my chest.

For all his bullshit, Higgins is one of the only ones who can pull me out of my own head, and tonight I needed that more than I realized.

“Goddamn, how did I know I’d find you two here?” Ryder exits the locker room just as we enter it.

“Because our boy lives here.” Higgins shakes my shoulder as we step inside. “Now why are you here?” He turns to Ryder, who lets the door close once we’re through it.

“Looking for you two.” He says it like it should be obvious, and really, it should be. You’d be hard-pressed to find an evening the three of us aren’t together. Well, actually four if you count my slot receiver Tyler.

“Where’s tweedle dumb?” I ask, not needing to explain myself further.

“Hanging with his girl. Since you gave him the night off and all.” Ryder gives me a toothy grin, running a hand through his too long, blond hair.

Out of all my receivers, Tyler is the one I worry about the most. Not because he’s not good, he is, but because he doesn’t take it as seriously as the rest of us. You can tell that to him it’s just a game, something he can do to get a free education. I’m not even sure if he has any interest in going pro or if he’s done after college.

“And why aren’t you out enjoying your evening off?” Higgins asks, taking a seat next to me on the bench as I slip off my cleats and exchange them for tennis shoes.

“Why aren’t you?” Ryder fires back.

“Fair enough.” Higgins laughs. “Found this lonely heart out on the field throwing balls all by himself.” He pouts out his lower lip, laughing when I give him a hard enough shove that he damn near topples off the bench.

“You should have called, man. I would have been down to run some plays,” Ryder interjects, leaning against a row of lockers.

“Figured you guys could use the downtime,” I reply.

“He acts like he doesn’t know us at all,” Ryder speaks directly to Higgins.

“I know, right?” Higgins quickly agrees.

“My mistake.” I push to my feet, tossing my cleats into my locker before grabbing my bag and slipping it over my shoulder, figuring I’ll just hop in the shower when I get back to my dorm.

“I think he was too preoccupied with daydreaming about a certainyou know who,” Higgins whispers the last part.

“Is our boy in love?” Ryder asks condescendingly.

“I think he is.” Higgins bats his lashes dramatically. “They grow up so fast.” The two have a good laugh at my expense.

“What is with you two tonight?” I shake my head as I turn, quickly exiting the locker room.

Higgins and Ryder are at my sides within seconds as we make our way down the hallway toward the exit.

“Oh, come on, Arch. You give us shit all the time. We’re just repaying the favor.” Ryder shoves the door open, holding it for me and Higgins.
