Page 28 of The Art of Falling

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But even with the heavy buzz of alcohol clouding my thoughts, I’m able to resist. Because I know what giving in will do, and I established a long time ago that nothing in this world is worth getting distracted by—Rory Hensley included.

“Well, here I am.” I look up at Rory’s building as we draw closer to the front entrance.

“Here you are.” I finally allow myself to speak as I stop next to her.

“Thanks for walking me home, I guess.” She peers up at me.

“Thanks for letting me, I guess.” I fail at keeping a smile from splitting across my lips.

“So I’ll see you Thursday at six?” For someone so resistant to be around me, she sure doesn’t seem to be all that eager to get inside.

This doesn’t help my case much, considering I’m barely holding it together as it is. I just need to get home, sleep this off, and wake up tomorrow refocused, with a clear head.

“I’ll be there.” I rock back on my heels, my hands still firmly held in my pockets.

“Maybe try to be on time this time,” she calls over her shoulder as she finally moves toward the door.

“I’ll do what I can.” I shrug, even though she doesn’t turn around to see it.

Seconds later, she disappears inside and while my shoulders sag in relief, I can’t ignore the drum of disappointment deep in my gut.

These next couple of weeks are going to be a fuck of a lot harder than I anticipated...

With that thought lingering, I turn and walk the remaining couple of blocks to my own dorm alone.

Chapter Five



“What is your favoritefood?” I stare down at the list of questions in front of me, finding it easier to focus on that than looking at Archer, who despite coming straight from practice, looks even better than usual.

I hate that I even think it, but it’s true. An undeniable fact that I can try to pretend I don’t notice, all the while knowing full well that I do.

I haven’t seen or spoken to him since he walked me home from the bar Tuesday. And that was... Well, kind of a shit show. Try as I may, I can’t look past who he is. Who I know him to be.
