Page 35 of The Art of Falling

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“Someone please tell me they have five dollars.” Tigs is suddenly at my side, dropping down on the seat next to mine.

“Why do you need five dollars?” Alina is the first to ask.

“I forgot my wallet... Again.”

“Man, I’m gonna staple that thing to your fucking forehead.” Enzo barks out a laugh.

“Here.” I pull a ten out of the side of my bag and slide it in front of Tigs.

“My girl comes to the rescue yet again!” He leans in like he’s about to kiss my cheek but thinks better of it, wrapping an arm around my shoulders instead. “You’re the best.” He gives me a tight squeeze before jumping back to his feet, leaving the smell of stale beer in his wake.

He’s gone as quickly as he appeared, joining the line to get food.

“Is he drunk?” I whisper across the table, though I’m not entirely sure why as he’s too far away now to hear me.

“Probably.” Enzo snorts.

“It’s noon,” I needlessly point out.

“He seems more off than usual,” Alina notes aloud.

“He’s going through some personal stuff. Nothing to worry about. He’ll get it together eventually.” Enzo tears off another bite of burger.

I don’t comment on that, mainly because I don’t really know Tigsthatwell, so I don’t feel like I should.

“I hope you’re right.” Alina looks at where Tigs is standing in line waiting for food. “I heard Buck talking about him the other day. Said he lost his key to the dorm so instead of trying to find a way in, he curled up in a ball and slept in the hallway.”

“Buckley talks too much. It was nothing.”

“Haven’t you noticed he’s always drunk?” Alina presses back, not taking Enzo’s blow-off.

“So... Aren’t we all?”

“Not like Tigs. We go out and drink a couple nights a week. From what I hear, he’s showing up to morning classes drunk. I was sure that wasn’t true but look at him. He’s clearly been drinking.” We all follow her line of sight just in time to see Tigs trip over his own two feet as he moves in line.

“People need to mind their own business. As I said, he’s just got some personal stuff going on and like anyone would, he’s doing his best to cope.”

“Is it something we can maybe help with?” I finally speak up. Tigs may be obnoxious and more handsy than I’d like at times, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care if something is wrong with him.

“I don’t think so. Just trust we’re taking good care of him.”

“I’m not sure you’re takingthatgood of care of him if you’re allowing him to sleep in the hallway and walk around wasted in the middle of the day.”

“Again, he didn’t fucking knock. How were we to know he was out there? And he’s a big boy. I can’t tell him when he can and cannot drink. Trying to do that will likely lead him to drink even more just to spite me.”

“What are you two on about?” Buckley drops down next to Enzo.

“Tigs getting locked out of the room.”

“Man, you should have seen him in the hallway, drooling all over someone’s bag that wasn’t his.” Buckley snorts out a laugh.

“You guys are horrible friends. If you care about him, you’ll try to help him rather than just let him self-destruct and sit back laughing about it.” Alina pushes to a stand, taking her tray with her. “Rory, you ready?” I look down at my half eaten salad, not anywhere even close to done.

“Yep.” I stand anyway, knowing if she’s leaving, there’s no way in hell she’s leaving me behind.

“Hey.” Enzo tries to reach for her, but she shakes him off, clearly not happy with the way he’s handling, or rather not handling, whatever is going on with Tigs.

“I’ll see you later,” she tells Enzo before taking off across the cafeteria, me fast on her heels.
