Page 40 of The Art of Falling

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“Why are you so sure you know me?”

“Why are you so sure I don’t?”

My God, this woman is infuriating... And yet somehow it only makes me that much more attracted to her. My meek little mouse has more bite than I gave her credit for. I wonder what else I’ve been underestimating...

I let my eyes dip to her chest for the briefest of moments, but when I look back up at her face, it’s clear she’s caught me red-handed.

“Did you just—”

“Look at your tits?” I ask before she can. “Yes, yes, I did,” I admit with not an ounce of shame to the statement.

Now I’m just playing with fucking fire and hoping like hell I don’t get burned.

“I... I...” She seems at a complete loss for words.

“You okay? You seem a little flustered,” I tease, likely riling myself more than I’m riling her.

This woman... She’s like the sweetest fucking water and I’m a man dying of thirst. I crave her that intensely. I can’t explain it, let alone rationalize it. All I know is that if I let myself, I think I could actually fall straight over the cliff. Which is why I’ve never let myself get close enough to find out. But now... Now it’s like I’m walking a tight rope with not a single safety net in sight. One wrong step and I could be completely and totally fucked.

I knew when I requested to work with her it was a bad idea. I knew it deep in my bones and yet, I couldn’t stomach the thought of a teammate of mine getting to work with her. I was confident I could handle it. Now, I’m not fucking sure of anything.

“Why do you... Why do you do that?” She stumbles over her next words.

“Do what?” I arch a brow, feigning complete innocence.

“Why do you do and say things purposely to get under my skin?”

“Who says that’s what I’m doing?”

“I’m not stupid.”

“I never said you were.” I quirk a smile.

“Look.” She drops the pencil she picked up and has yet to put to the paper. “I don’t know what I did to you or why you think it’s funny to mess with me, but we have a project to get done and Iwillbe getting it done, even if I have to draw you while you aren’t sitting in front of me. Maybe this time I’ll even include the horns.” She tucks a strand of her long, dark hair that’s broken free from her messy bun behind her ear, and with a loud huff, picks up another pencil.

“Did you ever stop to think that maybe I mess with you because I like the way you react to me?” I can’t help but ask. “And that maybe I like the way you react to me because Ilikeyou?”

“Now I know you’re spewing nonsense.” Her petite nose flares at the nostrils.

“Is it really so hard to believe that I might actually be attracted to you?”Hit the fucking brakes, Arch, my inner voice warns, but for some reason I don’t listen.

“Yes,” she blurts, her cheeks heating my favorite color pink.

“Why?” I ask, genuinely curious.

“Because I’m not the kind of woman men like you go for.”

“And what kind of woman is that? Smart. Beautiful. Talented. Driven as hell. Maybe you should ask yourself why I wouldn’t be attracted to you.”

“Can we just... Can we just focus on the project, please?” She practically pleads, looking more frazzled than usual.

“Okay,” I quickly agree, nowhere near done but knowing when it’s time to leave well enough alone.

I’ve already said more than I should have. Better not to dig a hole so deep I can no longer hoist myself out of it.

“Can I suggest one thing, though?” I ask before I can thoroughly think it through.

“What?” She groans, having just resumed sketching.
