Page 55 of The Art of Falling

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“I’m sorry?” I peer up at him, wishing I could smudge out the perfection of his face with one of my pencils so that the sight of him this close up didn’t make me feel like I was going to vibrate right out of my skin.

“Nothing.” He shakes his head, laughter still vibrating his words.

“Well”—I quickly stand to be able to put a little distance between us—“I guess we should call it a night. I have a lot of homework I need to catch up on.” I make the first excuse I can, hoping he’ll take the hint.

“Yeah, I should go too,” he agrees, taking a couple of slow steps backward.

“Same time Thursday?” I ask.

“Actually, I may need to reschedule that session to next week. Okay if I text you?”

“Like you’ve ever needed permission before?”

He only smiles. “Is that a yes?”

“Yes, you can text me,” I finally agree.

“Bye, Rory.” He hesitates next to the door like he’s not sure he wants to leave.

Weirdly, I understand the feeling.

“Bye, Archer.”

A few more seconds pass before he steps through the door. But even with him gone, the feeling he leaves behind still lingers beneath my skin for far longer than I expect it to.

Chapter Eight



“How is asking her todinner keeping your distance from her? Am I to understand you’ve changed your mind about your ridiculousno relationshiprule? Because you know, all the guys are talking about it.”

“About what?” I give Ryder an annoyed glare, tossing him the ball to where he’s standing just a couple yards away.

“About the fact that your girl was out with Tigs and Enzo wearingyourteam jacket.”
