Page 57 of The Art of Falling

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“Is that tonight?” Higgins jogs back to my side.

“Wait, you knew?” Ryder huffs.

“We room together. Of course I knew. He came in freaking out about it right after he asked her.”

“I did no such fucking thing.” If I had a ball in my possession I’d likely dart it right at his face.

“You should have seen him. Pacing around the room looking like he was about to vomit. I actually felt kind of bad for the guy.”

“I’m standing right here,” I remind him.

“So where are you taking her?” he asks instead of addressing my comment.

“Nowhere. We’re meeting in the hotel bar.”

“Oh shit!” Ryder covers his mouth to stifle his laugh. “You know what that means.”

“It means it was the most convenient spot to meet. We do have a game tomorrow.”

“It means if you decide to get out, it’s an easy escape,” Higgins chimes in. “And if you decide you want to... Well, your room is just upstairs.”

“Bow chicka wow, wow.” Ryder swirls his hips around.

“You two are fucking children,” I grumble.

“And yet, you still love us.” Higgins clasps a hand on my shoulder. “I get that pining after a woman is a newer concept to you, but it is okay to allow yourself to like Rory. She seems very similar to you in a lot of ways. Enzo goes on and on about what a hard worker she is.”

“Sounds like someone else we know,” Ryder interjects.

“And let’s be real. The girl is F.I.N.E. fine, fine, fine.” He lifts his fist, biting his knuckles. “Shit, if you don’t hit that already, I might have to cut in front of you and take care of that myself.”

“Do you want to play tomorrow or would you prefer I break both of your fucking legs right now?” I know he’s just fucking with me, but my anger still flares.

“Case closed, ladies and gentlemen.” Higgins holds his arms out wide like he’s addressing an audience. “Stop tripping over what might happen and just live in the fucking moment. You’ll be surprised by how much more enjoyable life is.”

“You guys act like I’m some kind of fucking recluse who never comes out of his house. I do have a life, you know?”

“Yeah, but life with a good woman, ain’t nothing sweeter than that.” I turn just as Tyler comes to a stop next to me.

“Not you too.” I groan.

“Hey, if anyone knows, it’s me. Sarah has literally fucking changed my life. I’m a better student. I’m a better athlete. She doesn’t hold me back like some of you might think. Shit, that girl lifts me so high sometimes I lose myself in the clouds.”

“Aww. He’s in love.” Higgins and Ryder bat their eyelashes at each other.

“Damn right I am. And I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, so why don’t you two shut the fuck up and let’s get this practice started, yeah? I mean, unless you two wanna stare longingly into each other’s eyes for a few more moments because if that’s the case, Arch and I can give you some privacy.”

“Don’t make me whoop your ass in front of QB one,” Higgins warns.

“On that note.” I’m quick to step in. “Let’s run a few drills before Coach gets here.”

“Fine by me.” Tyler nods.

“Call the play, Cap.” Ryder adjusts his gloves.

“Higgins, let’s run the whiplash wildcat.”

“Damn, now you’re speaking my love language. Careful to save some of that for Rory later.” He winks, lining up on the line.
