Page 59 of The Art of Falling

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“I’ll get that right in.” The waitress turns, leaving us alone again.

“So, you like dressing, huh?”

“Was I that obvious?” She laughs at herself. “When I was little, my mom used to have to dress my salad for me because if she let me do it myself I would end up with more like lettuce soup.”

“That sounds sort of disgusting.” I crinkle my nose.

“And a dry salad sounds any better?” she fires back. “I’ve never heard of anyone who eats a salad without dressing.”

“Well, now you have.”

A brief moment of silence spreads between us, but she’s quick to try and fill the space.

“So what time is your game tomorrow?”

I’m learning that while she’s usually quiet and keeps to herself, the best way to get her talking is to put her in a situation where she feels uncomfortable and compelled to fill the silence. I.E. put her anywhere with me and she doesn’t stop talking. Not that I’m complaining. I’m actually glad about it.

“You have tickets, do you not?”

“Yes. Well, Alina does. I didn’t think to check the time, though.”

“It starts at noon.”

“Earlier than I expected,” she murmurs, nodding a thank you to the waitress, who reappears just long enough to deliver her water. “What time do you have to be there?”


“That early?” Her green eyes widen.

“That early.” I nod.

“So I guess I can expect this to be a quick dinner.”

“Not at all. I sleep seven hours maximum, so as long as I’m in bed by midnight, I should get plenty of sleep.”

“Midnight.” She swallows.

“Don’t worry, I won’t keep you out that late. I mean, unless you want me to.”

“I don’t.” She fidgets with the corner of her napkin.

“Then you’re free to leave whenever you like.”

“And what if I do?” I can already see the pink hue starting to slide up her cheeks, the sight causing my cock to stir.

“What if you do what?” I don’t know what game we’re playing, but I’m rather enjoying it.

“What if I want you to keep me out?”

“Then I will.”

“And what, do tell, would you do with me for the next three and a half hours?” There’s a slight shake in her voice, which only fuels my arousal further.

“Oh, I’m sure I could think of a few things...” I run my tongue along the front of my teeth.

“You’re too much.” She lets out a soft laugh, shaking her head.

