Page 74 of Skye

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“Skye’s never mentioned you,” I say, suspicion making my tone sharp.

“She didn’t know about me. I discovered last year that my mother had an affair with Desmond in the early part of her marriage to the man I thought was my father. I knew about Skye, but there was never a chance to get close without Desmond finding out who I am, and I couldn’t risk that.”

Skye presses closer against my back, and I wish I could wrap my arms around her. “So, why are you risking it now?”

Sariah glances at Lucas, who nods. “We heard about the bounty. I was worried. When I found out she was here, all I thought about was coming to save her.”

Fucking bitch.“She doesn’t need saving.”

Sariah turns her head to the side, and I see the hardness flash her eyes. “From what I’ve seen, that’s exactly what she needs. I’m tired of men thinking they can control us. Skye deserves choices. She’s not a pawn in your fucking game.”

“No, she’s not,” I agree. “She’s the mother of my fucking kid, and I fucking love her. If you try to take her from me, I will kill you before you so much as twitch in her direction.”

Kane reaches for his gun, but Lucas stops him as Skye moves in front of me. Her lashes are wet, and her expression is a mix of fear and deep-seated hurt that I want to instantly soothe.

“You love me?”

I brush her hair back from her face, soaking in everything she is. “I do,” I say without any fancy words. None are needed, just the facts. I do love her. She has fast become everything to me.

“I thought…” Her breath hitches, and I wipe away the tear working down her cheek.


Her forehead scrunches up. “I feel like I’m losing my mind. I don’t know who to trust. Everyone wants a piece of me.”

Her voice raises an octave with each word she speaks, but I silence her by pressing my mouth to hers. When I’m done, I pull back and rest my forehead to hers. “Trustme.”

She peers up at me, her lips trembling as she does, and I hold my breath, knowing her next words have the ability to either elate me or destroy me.



Trust me.

My mind is a tangled maze as I try to make sense of those words.


I have none left. Rage loves me, and I don’t doubt it. I can see it in every line on his face, but what if this is just another lie designed to control me?

What if all of this is a lie?

My chest aches fiercely as I stumble back from him, trying not to focus on the hurt that flashes in his eyes. I don’t know how to make sense of anything anymore.


Just that one word is enough to unhinge me.

Shaking my head, I turn, taking in everyone in the room before I bring my gaze back to him. “Don’t.” I gasp the word as if it chokes me.

“I’m on your side.” He steps towards me, and the need to protect myself has me mirroring his movements. “What…”

“I want to be free.”

His tongue dips out to wet his bottom lip. “You are.”

I shake my head, wrapping my arms around my stomach as a deep ache fills me. “A locked door is not free, Beau.”
