Page 89 of Skye

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He pulls me close against him. So close, I feel his breath on my face. “Because I need her family.”

Oh. This is all about him gaining support, numbers. I stare into his eyes, only seeing shadows and darkness there.

“What the hell happened to you? I don’t even recognise you anymore.”

The mood sinks even lower, and the tension is unbearable, but when he speaks, I’m shocked by how glacial his tone is. “Your biker friends killed my brother. That’s what happened to me.”

He continues dragging me towards the door, and I dig my heels in, trying to fight against him. It’s useless, though. How did I never know how strong Tommy is?

My eyes are everywhere as we step out the room and into a corridor. I remember the entrance to the building lies to the left, but he tugs me right, deeper inside.

I stumble over my feet, trying to keep up while simultaneously trying to fight him, but he pushes me into a room. A quick scan of the space is enough to send my fear through the stratosphere.

There is an iron bed frame against one wall with a thin mattress on it. Slotted under the mattress are two devices that I know instantly are stirrups, like the ones used in the hospital this morning during my appointment. There are chains bolted into the wall above the head of the bed and leather straps hanging down to the floor along the middle.

I turn to run, every primal instinct in my body urging me to flee, but Tommy bands his arm around me and drags me over to the bed.

I fight like a demon as another man appears, dragging my arms over my head and securing my rope-bound wrists in the chains that are bolted into the wall. My legs are raised into the stirrups, and white leather straps are fastened around my thighs, holding me in place.

Tommy buckles the remaining leather straps around my body, one just above my breasts and another just below. I’m breathing so hard, I feel dizzy, and the bile coating my throat is in danger of coming out of my mouth.

I try to calm my racing heart, and although I know it’s pointless, I try to reason with him once more. “Tommy, we can just pretend this child is yours. No one ever has to know.”

He straightens, his perfectly slicked-back hair now flopping into his face, making him look like the boy I remember. “I’ll know.” He readjusts his shirt before breaking a hand through his hair to put it back in place. “I know you think I’m being cruel doing this, but it’s the only way. There can be no doubts about the parentage of my son.”

He’s crazy. He’s lost his fucking mind. I test my bonds, but they don’t move.

The door opens and Scarlett steps inside. I don’t miss the flush of pleasure in her face as she takes in my predicament. “The doctor’s here.”

“Good. Bring our other guest in first.”

I frown at his words and raise my head as much as I can off the bed to see who he’s talking about. The door opens again and two guards drag a man between them.

His legs scrape along the concrete, not even attempting to hold him up, and the way his head bobs between his shoulders, his chin nearly on his chest, suggests he is unconscious.

The thundering of my heart must be audible to everyone in the room as they move him to a chair positioned in front of a support column. I watch helplessly as they bind him to the seat then wrap a rope around his chest and the column. I see the trail of blood coating the side of his face, and his dark lashes are stark against his pale skin.

Tommy moves to stand in front of him and fists a handful of his hair, dragging his head up.

The relief I feel knowing Rage is alive lasts only a heartbeat as Tommy slaps his face so hard, I don’t know how he doesn’t knock teeth out.

Rage groans, shaking his head as if trying to clear it, and I hold my breath as his lids flutter open. He seems disorientated, unsure of where he is, but I can tell the second he understands the situation.

His eyes meet mine, and I can only imagine how I must look with my legs spread in the air, bound and tied to the dirty bed. “Skye…” My name is barely a whisper between his parted lips before he thrashes against his bindings.

The roar of pure fury that explodes from him is terrifying. I’ve seen him lose control before, but this is another level. He screams like a madman, and I lower my head, so he can’t see the tears running down my cheeks.

“I’m going to fucking cut your heart out!” Rage bellows.

When Tommy speaks, his voice is quiet and calm, but it carries across the room. “I was going to kill you after the crash, but then your people have tortured so many of mine, it only seemed fair for you to witness what I’m about to do. The child is yours, right?”

I stare at the ceiling above me, unable to look at him and the scene unfolding before me.

“If you touch either of them, there will be no place for you to hide that will be safe from me or the Sons.” Rage’s defence of us makes tears sting my eyes. There is no way any of us are surviving this, and he must know this, yet he threatens harm to Tommy anyway.

“Don’t worry, you’ll only live long enough to watch your child die before you meet your own end.”

I hear footsteps before Tommy steps to the side of the bed. Tommy is an attractive man. He’d always had this boyish charm about him, but as I glare at him, trying to convey all the anger and hatred I feel, I see the ugliness in him.
