Page 125 of Exiled

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Not that I’m complaining. I’m hopelessly addicted to all of it.

Lowering onto his side next to me, he rests his head in his hand and brings the other to my face. “Open,” he says, pressing the tip of a strawberry to my lips.

Narrowing my eyes, I do what he says, not taking my eyes off him, curious to see what this is about. I bite off just the tip.

“Don’t pout,” he says huskily. “Let me feed you.”

Something bottoms out low in my belly at that, spreading warmth through my limbs. My pulse kicks up. I feel my eyes flare, and something in his gaze has my lungs stuttering.

I barely taste the fruit, chewing on autopilot.

This…isn’t what I thought he had in mind when he threw me on the bed.

His eyes darken, his pupils expanding, swallowing up the rich greens.

I gulp, swallowing the fruit.

He presses more of the strawberry into my mouth, giving me no choice but to open for him. His sticky knuckles brush my lips where he holds the green leafy part.

This time, my salivary glands fill, and chills race down my neck. I wince, making a face, screwing an eye shut.

Nolan cocks his head, an amused grin pulling at his mouth. “What’s that face?”

He pulls what’s left of the chewed off fruit out of my mouth. I chew, working my jaw around, cringing. “Cold.”

His shoulders shake with a quiet laugh. “Not a fan?”

I shake my head, forcibly swallowing it down.

He hums, eyes narrowed in thought.

Licking my lips, I suck up the juices, savoring the sweetness. I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with food. Textures and temperatures can make or break something for me. And if there’s one food group that’s unpredictable as fuck, it’s fruit.

“Roll over.”

I blink up at Nolan. There’s a wicked gleam in his eye, one that has my deflating cock rising up to attention once more. My breaths quicken.

I must not move fast enough for him, because he pulls back and does it himself with a nudge to my shoulder.

My ass clenches, pants puffing out of my mouth in anticipation. Rolling my head to the side, I watch as he strips off his shirt, before popping open his fly. He reaches for the dresser, grabbing the bottle of lube he bought last week.

“It’s not the weed lube, right?”I had asked when he showed me last week.

“The what now?”

“I heard there’s a guy who makes weed lube on the island. Someone was talking about how they smuggled it over from the resort side.”

Nolan just stared at me long and hard, before finally saying,“I got this from medical. Condoms too.”


Not that we’ve made any use of the condoms. Not even the lube, really, since Nolan’s weirdly possessive and prefers to get me all wet himself.

But he takes it out now, along with a condom packet, and my eyes widen.

Is he…?I start to wonder, a mixture of nerves and hope swirling in my belly.

We’ve been doing this whole friends with benefits thing for two weeks now, and while he’s fingered and blown me and eaten me out more times than I can count, we’ve yet to take this final step.
