Page 185 of Exiled

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I’ve no doubt he’s covered just about everywhere from the neck down.

He’s also pierced—his eyebrow, and when he pushes his hair back, I notice he’s got what looks like a safety pin through his cartilage.

“I don’t know,” I tell him honestly. “I didn’t really think this through.”

When the three year anniversary drew near, I could no longer stomach just waiting around. How I managed to make it as long as I did probably has less to do with my practically non-existent patience, and more to do with the fact it took me three years to save up for not only a car, but still have enough to afford gas, meals, hotel rooms along the way…

Thing is, I only saved enough for a one-way trip.

Even now, there’s no part of me that wants to go back to Indiana. I haven’t spoken to my parents in over two years. I have no friends there—not really—nothing more than the acquaintances I made at the odd jobs I worked over the years, saving up for this trip.

But I only have sixty-five dollars left to my name now, because about seventy-five percent of the way through Pennsylvania, I got a flat—hit a massive pothole head on—and had to replace a tire. Which ended up putting me a whole day behind.

I saved on a room at least. Just pulled over at some park and slept in my car.

Still, it was something I didn’t account for.

Just as I didn’t account for Nolan getting back together with his ex.

Or they never split to begin with, and he just lied…

“I’m so stupid,” I groan, dropping my head to the bar.

“Hey now, none of that. You followed your heart. That’s more than a lot of people can say.”

I peek up at Micah, giving him a flat, unamused look.

“Seriously,” he says. “It was brave. Most people would not travel halfway across the country on a maybe.”

“I had nothing to lose.”

He nods, hearing what I’m not saying.

All I had was him. Nolan. The hope that we’d somehow, one day, end up together.

Emotions sears my throat and I squeeze my eyes shut, breathing against the ache pummeling my chest.

This hurts so much.

It hurts maybe more than our last night together. At least then, I had hope when we parted ways. I knew where I stood, or at least felt like I knew where I stood. I…hoped…hoped he’d realize he made a mistake, and he’d come find me.

But with each passing month, then year, he didn’t reach out or come looking for me, I felt myself growing more frustrated—more restless.

He never said he would,a voice reminds me.

Yeah, okay, but he also never said hewouldn’t.

I realize now that maybe, just maybe, he never actually anticipated reuniting with his ex—maybe they really were divorced and thought their marriage over, but then he saw her again, and the old feelings came flooding back. Maybe she forgave him, begged him to take her back, and he did…because she was his wife. His first love. The mother of his child.

That’s what normal people do, right? People not like my parents who just see marriage as a business deal, and having children as a way to ensure the family legacy continues.

So much for that…

But people who fall in love and have kids because they want to? They fight like hell to stay together, to live long, happy lives raising their kids under one roof. It’s, like, the whole point, isn’t it? Why make so many movies and write so many books geared toward it, if it wasn’t?

Happily ever after…

