Page 203 of Exiled

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“We just need a moment,” I barely manage to force out.

Not waiting for Raúl to give his okay, I shove the door open, dragging a silent, tense Nolan with me down the short hall.

The door swings shut, closing out much of the music.

It’s so quiet, I can hear my heart thundering in my ear, mingling with a low buzzing sound. Finding the first empty room, I all but shove Nolan inside, turn away, and close the door.

The second it clicks, he’s on me, turning me around, hands clutching my face. Fingers digging, seeking, unable to hold still as he gives me no choice but to look up at him.

“Is it you? Is it really you?” His voice cracks.

Blinking rapidly, my jaw quivers and I try to nod.

His face bunches, and he shakes his head, green eyes shining. “Sky…”

His head falls forward, crashing down on my shoulder just as his big, muscular arms sweep me up into a crushing hug that practically lifts me off the ground. My arms trapped between our chests.

I squeeze my eyes shut, face buried in his neck. I inhale, breathing him in like it isn’t killing me inside. He doesn’t smell like the ocean anymore—he smells like pine and dirt and something sweeter. Muskier.

Cologne,I realize. Stronger than it ever was on the island.

It’s familiar, but strange too. Like a dream hovering just on the edge of consciousness. And I find myself sinking into it, opening my mouth against his flesh like I could devour it, suck it into myself, and never forget again.

His hand stretches out across the back of my skull, holding me there. Against my shoulder, I feel him breathing—deep, shaky, shuddering breaths.

“How…how is this happening?” he says, his voice muffled. Pulling away, he brings his hands up to my face once more. “What are you doing here?”

Gulping, I open my mouth to speak, but nothing wants to come out.

“And what are you wearing?” he chokes out. He looks like he wants to smile—or laugh—but mostly he just looks baffled. Lost.

I try not to feel self-conscious, remembering how little I’m wearing right now. But it’s hard. He’s seen me naked plenty of times, but this…this is different.

Clearing my throat, I take a step back, all but prying myself from his hands.

Sliding against the wall, I force some much needed space between us and step around him.

Turning, he faces me with a look I can’t quite place.

Clenching and releasing my hands at my sides, I look around the room, not really sure where to begin.

“Sky,” he says.

“I should get back to work.”


“What?” I ask, flicking my eyes to his, then away again.

A long beat passes. “How long have you been here? In Vermont.”

My throat clicks with my hard swallow. I force myself to meet his gaze, and whisper, “Six months.”

His eyes bulge, mouth dropping.“What?”he mouths.

I shrug.

His nose flares, eyes tightening. “You’ve beentwenty minutesaway from me….for six fucking months?” he practically growls.
