Page 261 of Exiled

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Tears shimmer in her eyes and she smiles.

“But not him,” I choke out. “I choose them both.”

“Good,” she chirps. Then she shoves my shoulder, “Now get out of here. He looked like he was about to stroke out when he realized I knew who he was.”

My eyes widen, and it hits me like a stack of bricks.


“Make sure you send Vance back!” she whisper yells after me. I wave a hand, acknowledging I heard her.

Out in the waiting room, I dart my gaze around, looking for that familiar dark mop of hair.

“Hey,” Vance breathes, rushing to my side. “Is she okay? I’m so fucking sorry, man. I don’t—”

“Do you know where Skyler is?” I say, worry springing to the forefront. Now that Abby’s out of the woods, and my head’s clear, I can hear the warning bells blaring in the back of my head.

I left him alone out here.

Alone and confused and overwhelmed…

“Um, the kid you were—”

“Not a kid,” I mumble reflexively. “But yeah, did he say where he’d be waiting for me?”

I hear a jingle, and then my keys appear in my line of sight. I whip my head toward Vance.

He winces, shrugging. “He didn’t say where he was going. He seemed upset. He bolted before I could try and get him to sit down and wait.”

Everything in me just sinks, my shoulders wilting.


Slapping my hands to my face, I growl out a string of curses. Shoving my hair back, I blink up at the overhead lights until I see spots.

Vance shuffles nervously. He’s still holding my keys.

Ripping them from his hand, I say, “Tell Mel I’ll be back. She wants you back there.” I start to head for the doors when I pause, turn around, and meet Vance’s wide, reddened gaze.

“I’m sorry we’re meeting like this.”

He nods jerkily.

I consider saying more, but my need to find Skyler is a siren’s call I can’t resist.

Striding out the doors without another backward glance, I pull out my phone from my back pocket and try calling him.

No answer.

“Goddamnit, Sky,” I mutter, throwing the driver door open, and hopping up behind the wheel.

I consider for all of two seconds where he could be. Lola’s is closest, but it’s a Sunday night, so they’re locked up. The apartment he hasn’t slept in in weeks is just a couple blocks down from there.

It’s freezing tonight, and a glance at the cup holders show his gloves there.

Groaning, I squeeze the wheel until my fingers turn numb.

Quiet music intermingled with static filters from the speakers, mingling with the revving of the engine as I floor the gas.
