Page 265 of Exiled

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Blowing out a breath, I nod back. “Good. As I was saying, I’m not going anywhere. Talk when you’re ready. For now, I’m just going to hold you, and we’re going to sit here until it passes. Okay?”

A beat passes, then another nod.

I stroke his arm, rub my cheek over his hair. I’m not sure how long we sit in silence, but I feel my mind drifting, my eyes growing heavy. Eventually, I must nod off, because I’m shaken awake, and there’s a pair of glittering brown eyes framed in the prettiest black lashes I’ve ever seen peering back at me.

If not for the dimly lit lamp shining light in from behind him, I wouldn’t be able to see a damn thing.

“Hey,” I say roughly, cupping his cheek. “Sorry I passed out.”

He twists his lips together, and shakes his head. “It’s okay.”

My brows lift gently at the sound of his voice.

“Is Abby okay?” he rasps. A frown burrows deep between his eyes and he shakes his head. “I mean, I assume she is, or you wouldn’t be he—”

I press my finger to his lips and nod. “She’s okay. Sleeping. They’re keeping her overnight for observation. Mel and Vance are with her.”

He swallows with an audible click, and nods. “G-good. I was worried.”

Lowering my hand, I give him a small smile. “Can we go sit on your bed or something? It’s a little cramped in here.”

I can’t tell for certain, but I’m positive his cheeks redden when he nods. “Y-yeah, sorry about this.” He scoots back, pushing to a shaky stand, and I follow, wincing at the way my joints pop and crack.

“Don’t be sorry,” I tell him, twisting my back, and stretching my arms over my head. Then, striding up to him, I cradle his cheeks, tilting his head back. His gaze meets mine before drifting off unfocused. “You did what you needed to do.”

He gulps again, nodding. Fingers find my arms, blunt nails digging into my biceps through my sweater, reminding me I came here without my coat. It must be in Abby’s hospital room.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbles, still not meeting my eye. “I hate that you f-felt like you had to come here.”

Scowling, I pinch his side, and he yelps, rearing back, eyes clashing with mine.

“None of that,” I tell him harshly. “If anything, I hate that you feltyouhad to come here.”

His mouth thins at that.

“Come here,” I say, grabbing his hand, and guiding him toward the bed.

Well, air mattress.

He winces when I sit next to him, and the whole thing just sort of sags to the floor under our weight.

“You’re done sleeping here,” I say.

He shoots me a glare, and I bite back a smile.

“You’re not forcing me to move in with you just because I don’t have a real bed.”

I cock my head. “No, I’m forcing you to move in with me because I love you.”

He gapes at me and I arch a brow, waiting for him to deny me.

This time, there are no shadows to mask the flush creeping over his cheeks.

“You like that,” I say.

“I can do what I want.”

I bark out a laugh, and he glares at me.
