Page 32 of Exiled

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Or in this case, the skin.

I saw his face though—his shame, his frustration—and while a part of me felt for him, the bigger part of me was just straight updonewith his better-than-thou bullshit.

But that wasn’t even it, was it?

Huffing a breath, I stalk the rest of the way down to the cove, the sound of waves crashing along the surf growing louder as I draw closer.

I shove thick fronds out of the way, keeping to the small hidden path.

The crystal white beach appears ahead, just as I skid down a short, but steep, rocky hill and plant my boots in the sand with a soundless thud.

I get two feet and freeze.

My heart thuds heavily in my chest, my thoughts fading as all my attention homes in on the boy sitting a good twenty feet away, right in front of the encroaching water.

He’s encased in shadow by the falling sun, but I can tell he’s got his back to me.

A sudden image flashes across my head, converging with the scene before me—it’s of Skyler earlier, hanging his head, gaze growing glazed and far-off.

Then it’s his fingers I see—twitching in his lap, before tapping furiously. Knees bobbing anxiously.

You’d think that would’ve knocked some sense into me and cooled my jets. But no, if anything his change in demeanor got me even more riled—or rather brought to light some ugly, bitter version of me I’ve never met before.

Frowning deeply, I debate leaving. He clearly came here to think, not to go for round two.

Still…why come here of all places?

Why risk running into the asshole who berated him in front of a room full of strangers? It’s almost as if he wants to tempt fate.

I watch him for a long moment.


It’s a unique name, especially for a boy. It’s… pretty. But so is he, so I suppose it fits him.

I rear back.The hell?

I shove the thought away with a scowl.

From my spot hidden by the trees, I watch as Skyler cups his hands in the water sliding up around him. He’s still wearing the tan shorts he had on earlier, and he doesn’t seem to care that they’re getting covered in sand and seawater.

The sun lowers slowly over the horizon, stealing what glitter of light reflected on the ocean just as he turns his head to look over his shoulder.

I suck in a sharp breath.

As if he knew I was there all along, watching him, he finds me instantly. And he doesn’t turn away.

We’re too far away from each other to make out any details, but I know he’s staring right at me, just like he did yesterday, and like he did today across the circle.

What is it about this kid?

Why does he put me all out of sorts?

My lips tighten, and I spin on my heel to head back the way I came, leaving him to his peace, when it feels as if I hit a wall.

I freeze, chest heaving, gaze staring into the thick tree line without really seeing anything.

“Fuck,” I mutter, and against my better judgment, I find myself turning around and stalking down toward the water.
