Page 57 of Exiled

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“This should save us time, right?” he says loud enough to be heard over the water rushing somewhere beneath us.

Shaking my head, I say, “I don’t like the look of that thing.” It’s made of wood slats and frayed rope, and it swings precariously with the wind gusting through.


Either he doesn’t hear me, or he’s set on ignoring me, because he’s already making his way over the rocky patch separating the woods from where it breaks off into a cluster of cliffs.

“Skyler,” I bark out. “Just wait. Fuck.”

Brows furrowed, I dart my gaze around, my mind racing as I try to recall if I spotted this on the map. It looks…familiar. I know there are bridges like this all around the island, but the ones I’ve seen are far more sturdy and newer looking than this one.

“Come on,Tarzan.Don’t tell me you’re scared of heights.” He laughs, and something just…shifts in my chest, like a rusty seal breaking open at the sight of his lip curving up just before he turns away.

My mouth dries. My heart thumps a little faster. Harder.

The rain’s picking up and thunder rumbles, but it’s all so far away in this moment, leaving me with nothing but the echo of his laughter carrying on the wind, mingling with the crashing of waves, and I just…


It takes me a moment to realize why I’m struck stupid—why I’m suddenly overcome with this urge to…to do something, I don’t know what, but I feel this…thisneedinside me…

That’s the first time I heard his laugh.

Lightning streaks across the sky, immediately followed by a boom of thunder. Chills race across my skin, but Skyler doesn’t seem fazed. As quickly and carefully as I can, I hobble my way across the rocks to catch up to him.

“Hey, just—” A strong gust blows through, stealing my voice. I have to squint through the sheet of rain slanting through to see anything. Panting, I manage to get out loud enough for him to hear me, “There might be a better way.”

“But look!” He points off toward the other side of the bridge. I follow his finger to where there’s a dangerous, jagged looking cliff looming over us. I shake my head, confused, but then I see it’s not the cliff he’s pointing at.

It’s what’s below.

The cove.

It hits me then with the force of a wrecking ball, knocking the air out of me as it all finally clicks together. Where we are. What I’m looking at.

I’m already shaking my head. “Skyler!” I shout, but it’s too late.

Wind whips through the air. Rain slaps my skin like prickly little needles, soaking me, and plastering my hair to my cheeks. Drenching my beard. My clothes. But I hardly notice.

Skyler grabs the rope on either side, and heaves himself onto the bridge like it’s nothing. Like it’s not just old rope holding him suspended over a deadly inlet of water.

“Skyler, wait!”

He takes a few careful steps, before doing a little bounce as if to test its durability.

My body turns rigid, my eyes widen, and it feels like my lungs are in a vice.

He looks over his shoulder, grinning wildly, cheeks streaked with rainwater, dark hair tossing all about his head. And in my mind’s eye, all I see is that sign from the day we met—Do Not Enter.

“See?” he calls out, smiling breathlessly. Beautifully.

Fuck me, he’s… he’s beautiful.

“It’s fine. And look.” He turns just his head, pointing to what he did earlier. “Our cove.”

My chest constricts. Throat squeezing.

Our cove.
