Page 63 of Exiled

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Finally,finally,I manage to get some kind of grip—on what, I don’t know, it doesn’t even matter—and I release Skyler just enough so I can heave my body onto the rock. His arm’s going to be bruised at this point from just my grip on him alone, but at least he’ll be alive.

I hope.

Shoving that thought away, I turn and dig the heels of my boots into the rock, gripping Skyler under his arms. Grunting, I heave his deadweight out of the water and into my arms.

Shoving the hair out of my eyes, I squint through the sheet of rain slanting down on us, taking in the swell coming our way.


Standing, I mutter an apology, and all but drag Skyler’s body across the rocks. Turning my head over my shoulder, I see a narrow strip of beach a few feet away. A stream of water trickles in, separating the rocks from the sand.

Bending down, I get a better hold of Skyler and hobble my way across, being mindful of the slippery rocks as I drag more than carry him across.

This will have to do.

Lowering him, I roll him onto his back. My chest squeezes at the sight of his pale face. Those thick, inky lashes fanned out over his high cheekbones. The dark mop of hair swept over his head.

He’s not breathing. I already knew this, but now it’s…it’s hitting me. All of it is starting to hit me.

My hands tremble with adrenaline as I tip his head back, and prop his mouth open. Dipping down, I press my lips right over his and exhale two strong, shaky breaths right into him.

Come on, Sky.

Sitting up, I shift onto my knees and lean over him, pressing my hands over his chest. I don’t bother checking for a pulse. I just know I won’t find one.

His lips are still red though. Despite how cold they feel against mine, it still gives me some hope.

I’m not too late. I can’t be.

One, two, three…

I silently count my way through short, firm compressions, trying to keep a calm, measured beat, but I can feel myself fraying, growing more desperate. Tears sting my eyes. Panic thrums at the base of my throat.

“Come on,” I choke out before bending down and giving him two more breaths. I start compressions again. “Breathe, Sky. Just one little breath for me. You can do it.”

One, two…

A wave crashes to shore, water flooding around him, right up to his ears, before dissipating and leaving only foam clinging to the rocks. A frustrated noise bursts out of me.

Time does that thing again where it feels like every second passing by stretches out for an eternity. It’s probably only been five minutes since he hit the water, but it feels as if hours have gone by.

“Skyler,” I croak. “Please. Don’t do this…”

More compressions.

More breaths.

More compressions…

“Damn it, Sky,breathe!”I shout raggedly.

More breaths…

More compressions…

No. No, no, please, no—

“SKYLER!” I shake him and I damn near punch him in the sternum. I drop my mouth to his slackened lips once more, andbreathe—
