Page 69 of Exiled

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He wrings out the shirt, twisting it up, and then uses it as a makeshift bandage, wrapping it around my calf. It’s gray, and already it’s stained through with my blood.

“You could’ve used mine,” I whisper.

He lifts his gaze but doesn’t say anything right away.

Not knowing what else to say or do, I simply shrug a shoulder.

His face hardens. “Where else are you hurt? Did you hit your head?”

He sounds pissed off at the idea, which makes me want to lie. But he doesn’t give me a chance.

Without waiting for me to respond, he leans forward, reaching for my hair, inspecting my scalp.

I suck in a sharp breath when his hard, hairy chest brushes my knee.

His gaze snaps to mine—pupils glittering back at me.

Come on, lightning. Don’t fail me now.

“No,” I mutter. “I don’t think I hit my head. Just my hip.” As if prompted by my words, I feel a sharp twinge radiate up my side.

He nods and looks down. “Show me.”

I give a jerky nod. Not moving my legs, I twist and reach down, tugging up the hem of my t-shirt. He helps, cupping my hand with his.

Does he even realize what he’s doing? The effect he’s having on me?

He winces, and at first I think it’s because he realizes we’re basically holding hands. But then he says, “I can’t really see…” As if prompted, more light flickers across the cave. He hisses. “Yeah, that’s gonna be ugly.”

Frowning, I quickly follow his gaze before I lose visibility, not at all surprised to find a smattering of purple over my right side, stretching out from where the band of my boxers peeks out, all the way up to my ribcage.

The cave darkens once more. “How ‘bout your ribs? Your chest? I was pretty rough with you.”

I blink a couple times. And then it hits me. “You gave me CPR?”

His shadow nods. “Also dragged you a bit.” But I barely hear that last bit.

“Like…” I swallow and look down, a quiet buzzing filling my head. My lips tingle, and I know it’s just in my head, but I chase that phantom feeling like I could relive it.

How ironic is that? My last thought before blacking out was of wishing I got to know what it was like to kiss him.

“You weren’t breathing,” he says slowly, and if I’m not mistaken, his voice is huskier than it was a moment ago.

I flick my gaze up through my lashes.

A little noise rumbles from deep in his chest, and he shakes his head. “Don’t do that.”

I’m about to ask him what, but then he reaches forward, and using his thumb, he releases my lip from where my teeth had it pinned.

Everything in me just…stills.

I’m pretty sure I go offline there for a second.

My eyes widen, and his snap up to mine…


From where he was just staring at my lips.
