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“Ah fuck!” Trev cried out in surprise at the pleasure.

Ethan looked over smiling. “You alright over there?” he asked innocently.

Trev looked back at him. “You’re sadistic,” he muttered without any seriousness

Ethan laughed loudly. “Hardly a way to thank your boyfriend for what sounds like areallygreat gift.”


“Oooh!” Trev moaned followed by heavy breathing. His cock was getting really hard from the constant stimulation and he really didn’t want to cum in his pants before they got there and risk an obvious wet patch.


“Aaah fuck! I don’t think I can handle this all night!” Trev cried, gripping the sides of the seat tightly.

Ethan chuckled. “Okay I think we’ve had enough of that. I’ll spare you any more speed bumps.”

Trev breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

They arrived at the pub 10 minutes later and Trev was still extremely wound up. Thankfully his pants were fairly loose so he tucked his erection under the waistband of his boxer briefs and cautiously walked inside.

“Hey! It’s the dynamic duo!” Eddie called out.

This was followed by a synchronized, “Hey!” from Simon and Ollie. They stood to give them hugs and clapped each other on the back.

Ethan turned to Trev. “You gositdown, I’ll grab our drinks,” Ethan said to Trev with that naughty glint in his eye because they both knew exactly what was going to happen in his ass when Trev sat down.

“Thanks,” he mumbled back with a look of irritation that the others missed.

Trev tentatively sat down very slowly, having learned that any sudden pressure would have a very unwanted effect, however pleasurable it may be. His full focus right now was on keeping his composure.

“Everything okay?” Eddie asked Trev.

Trev nodded. “Yeah totally. I’m stoked to see you all again,” he said with a smile.

“So how was lockdown for you guys?” Simon asked Trev

“It was good. Pretty chill really. We just played games, worked out at the outdoor gym in the park and watched movies,” Trev said with a smile, thinking about all the other fun they also had.

Ethan had returned with their drinks when Trev was mid-sentence. “Yeah, that’s why his biceps are bulging now. I’ve been training himhard,” he said with a smile at Trev while he passed him his beer.

Trev took a couple of huge gulps trying to dull his senses a bit.

Ethan knew he was making him a little nervous but he couldn’t help it, this dirty little secret was so hot! None of their friends knew they spent two thirds of lockdown with their cocks buried in each other’s mouths and asses.

“Well, it paid off, I can see the difference!” Eddie said with a look of open admiration which Trev found surprising.

“Thanks. What about you guys? How did you pass the time?” Trev asked, wanting to divert the attention away from himself.

“Just chilled at home with Mum and worked. Unfortunately, IT can be done remotely so, no break for me,” Eddie replied.

Simon spoke up next. “I was trapped with my pain in the ass flat mate, so mine sucked. I hid in my room most of the time,” he said with a sad and tired expression.

“You should move in with Eddie and get a place together,” Ollie suggested.

“I would but I stupidly signed a 6-month lease. Only three more to go, ugh.” Simon replied while taking a big gulp of his drink.

They spent the next 10 minutes chatting and then placed their food order when the waitress showed up. Trev was listening to Eddie and Ollie having a debate about which of their preferred video games was better when suddenly his ass started vibrating. Trev gasped and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head.
