Page 46 of The Kingpin

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Maybe he did have the ability to break me after all.



The aftermath.

Some people would call it an afterglow, but I was stunned by what I’d done, begging the horrible man to fuck me. I continued to tingle all over even in my disgust, doing what I could to grasp onto the bits of sanity that were floating around like molecules unable to attach themselves to each other.

Arman stared at me in the mirror, the look on his face carnal and addictive. I forced myself to close my eyes, unable yet to get out of his tight grasp.

“You still hate me, princess,” he whispered before nipping my ear.

“I don’t hate you as much as I loathe myself.” Which was the truth.

Everything about him was so powerful, enigmatic, and a draw unlike anything I’d ever felt.

“Look at me,” he commanded.

And I did, trying to hold the impassive expression I’d managed to snag.

“This is just the beginning.”

He squeezed his fingers around my neck before finally releasing his hold, backing away and keeping an unreadable glint in his eyes.

I gripped the edge of the counter with enough force my fingers ached, now unable to take my eyes off him. Watching the way he slipped his cock back into the very same fine linen trousers that had rubbed up against me only moments before was enough to stop my heart from beating for a few seconds.

Then I looked down, realizing that I would carry the scent of him with me for the entire day. There was no way to erase it. Now my pulse managed to awaken, my mind slowly ceasing to spin out of control. I struggled with my torn panties and jeans, yanking paper towels from the holder and doing my best to clean up the mess we’d made. That he’d made inside of me.

What had I done? What was wrong with me?

What struck me as I trembled trying to make myself presentable was that I continued to hunger for the savage. There was something different about him today, just as insatiable yet the aura surrounding him even more powerful.

He was regal even in his more casual state.



That’s what he reminded me of, a king. The thought was ridiculous but so right for him that it was as if I should bow to his power and prowess.

I tugged loose strands of hair into my ponytail, finally able to turn around and face him.

“You’re so damn beautiful, Raven. Just think about it. Now, you’re all mine.”

His words drew me in as they’d done before, perhaps more so. I would never have thought of him as being heroic, but I had a sense he would fight any dragon to protect me, swim the deepest shark-infested waters to rescue the floating raft I was on. The images pooling in my mind were silly but my instinct told me they were accurate.

He lifted my chin with a single finger, searching more than just my eyes.

“Yes, all mine indeed.”

In those amazing seconds where all time had stopped, all rationality ceasing to exist, there was no one else in the world but the two of us.

Until there wasn’t, the raucous laughter as someone entered the small space abrupt and jarring, breaking the hypnotic hold. I smashed my head against the wall in my effort to pull away, pressing my lips together to keep him from kissing me any further.

After taking a deep breath, he growled in a low intensity, slowly turning his head toward the girl who’d already slapped her hands across her mouth, backing away.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Her body was jerking in motion as she clamored to get out.
