Page 65 of The Kingpin

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Raven’s eyes lit up with the same fire of passion I’d seen in the bathroom, the longing in her eyes even more explosive. “You know nothing.”

“I know you’re wet,cherie, because you smell so sweet, like a blossoming rose on a spring day or a drop of honey mixed with brown sugar.”

“You are a reprehensible man.” The words dripped from her mouth, her lower lip quivering. I had the sudden urge to bite down on the tender flesh until I tasted her blood. I was nothing but a carnivorous beast because she brought it out in me.

“That’s not what you said before.” I yanked her even closer, marveling in the way her scent intoxicated me.

“Do you always believe everything you hear?”

“Are you calling yourself a liar?”

Her laugh was like sweet music, so much so I was ready to toss her against the wall, fucking her like an animal all over again. But she deserved better. Hell, we both did.

“No, I’m calling you a horrible man. You’re the liar.”

“I’m many things, sweetheart. You’re about to get a crash course. But you will heed the need for punishment.”

“Not a chance.”

She yelped again when I pushed her against the banister, bringing my hand down on her bottom. My hand instantly stung, but I craved to strip her of the dense material, providing a round of discipline on her bare bottom. My cock was already standing at full attention, the combativeness we shared driving the beast from deep inside to the surface.

This woman had sparked such a series of raw emotions in me that I was thrown off my game. I wanted to dominate her, to have her body writhing under me to the point I was ready to go mad. Fucking her in the bathroom had done nothing more than whet my appetite, awakening the sadistic side of me. I cracked my hand several times as she continued to try to get out of my hold.

The filthy things I could do with her rattled the forefront of my mind. I was thankful I’d sent everyone away. My staff had certainly never seen me this way.

It would seem her refusal to obey my rules added fuel to the fire. She managed somehow to slip through my fingers again, shoving me hard enough it gave her an advantage. I stumbled from the force she used, which gave her the opportunity to get away.

Maybe I enjoyed the chase far more than I should.

“I will find you, princess. Then imagine what I will do.”

“Fuck you!”

Her shrieks of laughter dissipated as she bolted down the hallway, disappearing before I had an opportunity to know which room she’d headed into. I stood to my full height, rubbing my hand across my jaw. The girl packed a mean slap. All I could do was grin before adjusting my cock from the building agony. So the beautiful woman wanted to play cat and mouse with me. That made my balls tighten.

But the game was one I would win. There was no way for her to escape, no ability to hide for long. I was an expert at hunting.

I raked both hands through my hair, taking a deep breath before moving toward the first room, holding my breath as I stepped inside. There were few places for her to hide, but I moved from one couch to the other, half expecting she’d found a weapon of some kind, one of my art pieces to knock against my head.

The thought kept the grin on my face. When I was satisfied she wasn’t hiding in the room, I moved to another, remaining as quiet as possible. There was no sign of her. Returning to the hallway, I realized I’d left my office door cracked, which made it fair game for her to enter. Using a single finger, I eased it open, peering inside. Her scent gave her away, but I moved toward my desk with as much stealth as possible.

“Imagine what I’ll do when I find you, my sweet princess.”

“You’ll need to try harder.”

She wasn’t hiding under the desk, but behind the door, bolting out with a screech. I issued a growl, barreling down the hallway. Her long hair flew behind her as she ran, bounding up the stairs two at a time.

But I was too quick for her, yanking her into my arms, lifting her against me and trudging down the stairs where I returned her to my office, not bothering to close the door behind me.

The way she was wrapping her long fingers around my shirt wasn’t an attempt to get away, but to pull me even closer. There was lust in her eyes, the electricity crackling between us. We were both breathless, the need becoming unbearable.

“You are getting a spanking.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh, yes, I would.” I was completely aroused, so much so the round of discipline would be minimal, my hunger too significant. I lowered her onto her feet and she immediately backed away, hitting her bottom against the edge of my desk.

We stared at each other.
