Page 8 of The Kingpin

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“My name is Raven. I’m a college student from LSU. I’m sorry. I got lost.”

He stopped in mid-action, narrowing his eyes, the smile on his face one of knowing. “Right. And I’m Santa Claus. You did no such thing as get lost, Raven. I suggest you go on, but with truth, not fairytales. Why were you stealing from me? Do you need the cash that badly, princess? Or are you really a spoiled little girl?”

“How dare you. Stop calling me princess! No, I don’t need cash. Don’t you dare insult me.” I moved to climb off the bed and he pushed me gently, tilting his head, his nostrils flaring.

Great. Now I was acting haughty.Brilliant, Raven. So damn smart of you.

“Talk. Now. I don’t have all night. As you so aptly mentioned, I do have guests waiting for me downstairs.”

His deep baritone sent a wave of goosebumps dancing down both arms. When he smiled, sensing my discomfort and my arousal, it took everything I had not to gaze at his cock.

Oops. I did it anyway, immediately feeling a warm flush of embarrassment. He was rock hard. Oh, my God.

“I’m pledging this stupid sorority. Okay? That’s why I’m here in your house inside your room. I was driven here from Baton Rouge wearing a blindfold and given short but explicit instructions that I had to get into the party somehow and into your room, locating something of importance.”

I was certain the man was getting furious by the way he glared at me. “A pledge?”

“Yes. I know it’s crazy, but you don’t know these stupid girls who think their shit doesn’t stink. And since my mother wanted me to join this particular sorority, I couldn’t say no. You don’t have any clue how bitchy and difficult she can be.” Was I really rambling in front of this man? Why yes, yes, I was. “I’m not lying to you, as crazy as it sounds.”

The cold chill in the room increased.

“Fascinating, princess.” He’d stopped moving completely for a full twenty seconds. He yanked off his tie, carefully placing it on the end of the bed before unfastening his cufflinks. I could tell he was doubtful I was telling him the truth. I knew it sounded crazy. I had been nuts to go through with this.

“The truth. I swear it. I was an idiot, but it’s not a story I could make up.”

“Hmmm…” His nostrils flared as he tugged off the shoulder holster, making certain I witnessed what he was doing. He made certain the weapon was out of my reach, placing it on the dresser several feet away. I was quivering all over, goosebumps popping along every inch of skin. Everything was getting out of hand.

I watched in both admiration and horror as he removed the cufflinks, placing both on his nightstand. After inhaling, he unbuttoned his shirt halfway before turning up both cuffs until his forearms and elbows were exposed.

His arms were covered in tattoos. Not the pretty kind like a rose or a heart with a name in it either. No, he had a dagger and a skull with what appeared to be a snake crawling from the empty eye socket. How fitting for a beast of a man.

“Let me get this straight. This is all about fulfilling a hazing attempt by a group of sorority girls?” he asked, his tone changing entirely. The deepness to his voice was like melted chocolate being drizzled over my skin.

“Yes. As I told you, I don’t lie. At least not normally. I just… Just let me go. I don’t care who you are.”Or who you’re going to kill.

He shook his head, muttering under his breath in French again.

“What did you say?” I asked, although the tone of my voice was more demanding than I’d intended.

He moved to the edge of the bed, planting both hands on either side of my legs. As he leaned over, I was certain he was going to kiss me again and since I couldn’t lie to myself either, I wished he would. I’d been kissed before but by boys. And he was a real man.

“Vous êtes une jeune femme difficile, rafraîchissante, stimulante qui demande de la discipline. In other words, I said you are a difficult, refreshing, challenging young woman who requires discipline.”

“That’s not fair.”

“Whoever told you that life is fair was a fool,cherie. Life is what we make it based on the decisions we determine are absolutely necessary. You made a wrong choice.”

“Raven. Don’t call me princess orcherieor anything else.”

“Yes, so you told me. Your last name? I need to know.” My God, the man was pushy.

“Raven Cartier. Yes, like the jeweler. But it’s real.”

He lifted his head, studying my eyes, taking a deep and ragged breath. My God, the man was like a dark god, one with so much anger that I thought for certain he was going to explode. A darkness shadowed his gorgeous features, his jaw clenching as if he didn’t believe me. Or maybe worse.

“What did you say?” he asked, his voice almost unrecognizable.

“My name is Raven Cartier. I’m an idiot for being here. However, I’m not lying. I swear to you. I’m about ready to graduate college, pledging the stupid sorority obviously a terrible decision that I regret.”
