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“Well, funny you should ask…” He handed her the letter. “A gift for you. Took a bit longer than twenty minutes to find it.”

“And priceless.” Nora’s eyes widened. “Have you read it?”

He shook his head. “You first.”

“No. Together.”

* * *

Dear Ms. Ruben – Officer of the People:

Thank you for your letter, and I apologize I am only responding now. I’ll keep this short, because I know you are very busy. And because – how do I put this? I’m short on time as well.

My family doesn’t want to hear it, but in terms of certain things in life — good or bad — when you know, you know. I’ve been seeing my Leah in my dreams, and for once I don’t mind that I am sleeping more than I’m awake – not when my bashert is waiting patiently for me.

(Young lady if you don’t know the term bashert I suggest you look it up on your Google.)

Because love is the most important thing in the world – but baseball is pretty good, too. I learned that from the great Yogi Berra.

The situation you describe is troubling. It was brave and bold of you to write. Rest assured, I am sending my grandson Alex to New York, to help you with it. He’ll know what to do.

Please just be patient, as there are a few things he needs to do here in the meantime. (First off, he needs to find me a stamp and to mail this letter.)

Thank you for caring about the future of Myers and Sons. For us.

Hal Myers

Beck wiped his eyes with his coat sleeve and took a shaky breath. But he was smiling, and hadn’t let go of her hand for a second.

“Looks like he had a little advice for you after all.”

“For us,” she echoed, leaning up for a kiss. He dropped one, full of hope and promise, gently on her lips and Nora felt a burst of joy ignite. Or maybe it was the eight candles behind them, finally illuminated in all their glory.

“Want to get out of here?” she suggested. “It’s not quite the Baller, but I know of a great eighth night party.”

He was pretty cute, for a Hayseed.

“Lead the way.”

